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A gasp was the first thing that left my mouth after reaching the borehole,a very long que was what greeted us.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Al'amin shouted making us gain attention,I smacked him trying to smile at the people looking at us while Bashir roll his eyes at them "Stop staring at us already.This is not some sort of a film." He stated angrily.

I pat his shoulder sending a quick silent message to him that he should calm down.All this is new but we have to be reserved.

An old woman came forward eyeing Bashir who also didn't back down in eyeing her back "Your mother didn't teach you to respect elders did she?" The woman questioned and he laugh "Can you teach me?"

I quickly step forward "I am so sorry." I stated to the woman wincing at how it tasted rolling off my tongue "I doubt you can stay for one week in this estate if you keep this attitude." The woman stated eyeing him while I tried to smile at her apologizing again.

Letting out a sigh, I turned to meet Bashir's gaze "Maintain." I stated sternly as we got on the que.

Their are 3 boreholes with tap attached to them,so we all followed different ques.The place is at the back of the estate which is a little bit far from our apartment.

I shouldn't also mention how slippery the place is because of water spilled everywhere.The place is..............dirty,very dirty.It had bottles,small papers and many more things spilled around.I really seems like the people near this place have made it their dustbin.

I moved forward a little when one person moved away making me a little relieved,just 5 people more and I will be in front of the tap.

The sun is scorching hot and I knew that I will definitely have a sun burn,we should have come with an umbrella or maybe I should have applied my sunscreen.

It seemed like the sun was boiling the contents inside my head,my whole body was sweating profusely and I wish I can get a hand fan right now.


I jumped in panic pushing the guy in front of me and I staggered backward quickly apologizing while he just eye me.

Excuse me, I didn't eye you for smelling so badly but you are eyeing me for pushing you by mistake? The guts of this guy!

I feel like punching him right now.I felt a hand tapping my shoulder and I turned with an annoyed expression "What?" I snapped.

The person stiffened and I turned to see who it is.A girl who looks younger than me smiled at me "Hi,my name is Ramlah and I live next to your apartment." She stated and I forced a smile "Oh nice to meet you." I stated giving out my hand for her to shake.

"I am sure you already know my name?"

She nodded her head eagerly and I smiled.

I moved forward again which made me the next person to fetch.Yay!

"I can give you a tour of this estate and also fill you on everyone's attitude." She stated chirpily seeming excited "If you want." She stated at the end.

I took a minute to think about it before turning to face her "It will be nice."

I stated as I keep my bucket under the running tap,a sigh of happy relief left my lips audibly.I never knew that it can be this hard to get water,I am used to always having water available in my toilet and I never thought of the struggles others went through to get water.

My lord,forgive me if I was ever ungrateful.

"So that is a yes?" I heard her voice and I nod my head without looking at her.

My bucket got full and I pushed it away "It was nice meeting you,Ramlah." I stated as my eyes dart to my two brother who were impatiently waiting for me.

"We can have the tour tomorrow.We just moved here yesterday so we have a lot of pending work." I explained and she nod her head in understanding.

"If you need any help,I will be glad to give a helping hand." She stated and I shook my head "No it is okay,thanks." I stated and she smiled sweetly "Welcome."

I carried the bucket after giving myself a pep talk that I can do it but I let it down the moment I carried it due to how heavy it was.

"Aunty M,if you are not the tired of the scorching sun,your brothers are!" Al'amin stated seemingly annoyed by my waste of time.

Drawing a breath in and pushing it out,I tried carrying the bucket again.I used every ounce of strength in me to reach where they were standing which was like 5 feet away from me.

I panted as I kept it rubbing my hand which was starting to hurt "It is so heavy." I stated breathlessly trying to hold my breath to become steady.

"You will get used to it." A familiar voice stated from behind,I turned around to see Ramlah who was holding two bucket filled with water "I doubt it." I stated with little smile lingering in my lips.

Bashir coughed in his way of saying hi to Ramlah and we continued walking.Well I stayed to rest after every 30 seconds.

By the time we reached our door,we were all panting like we have run a marathon.We twist the door knob and walked into the house one by one careful not to spill water around the house.

"You took long," Ammi stated waiting for explanation "Their is a que." Al'amin curtly replied and she nod her head "Well done."

Two bucket were taken to the toilet and one was taken to the kitchen.Abba have already bought pure water for drinking.

I jumped on the couch breathing heavily in relief, I can finally rest now.I feel like I have fought with 20 strong men.Doing this everyday will really make me old before my time.

The struggle is real!


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