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The three of us walked to the laundromat quietly,I told the both of them what transpired between me and Ammi.The both of them agreed to manage but they emphasized on how tired they are.

"I feel so suffocated inside that house.It is too small.It doesn't have an Air conditioner and the fan is not even providing enough air,to top it all the electricity current sucks."

Bashir shrugged his shoulders staring at Al'amin who just finished talking.

"Things really went down way too badly." He said and I nod my head.

We knocked on the door and a faint come in was heard,we walked inside and found Mr Dauda holding onto a picture.

"I have guests,I will go and meet them." He said to the picture.My two brothers stared at me in question and I just shrugged my shoulders.

He gave us a little preserved smile before pointing at the chairs for us to sit down "Welcome."

"Good evening,we have bought clothes for laundry." I state handing him the pile of clothes which he collect smiling "You can come and collect them tomorrow by this time." He replied after checking the clothes.

Nodding my head, I peaked at the picture of the woman "She is beautiful." My mouth let out without letting me have control over it.

He turned to the direction I was looking at and nod his head while smiling "She is the most beautiful woman on earth,as for me." Well the last part was necessary.She is beautiful but not as beautiful as me.Self confidence babies!

Being a curious person, I am persistent on knowing the whole story from him "I am sorry that she is no more." Yes, I am good at picking up a conversation without leaving a clue that I am trying to.

A sad smile graced his lips as his eyes dart from Bashir to Al'amin.

"Sometimes I feel like, I should have been the one who died," He kept quite with a little frown tracing the edges of his face "But then, I don't want her to go through the pain I am going through right now."

A little smile made its way to my lips,the people of jalo estate are full of love.

"You are going through this pain because you are not letting go of the pain,you are holding onto it like it is something necessary."

He shook his head smiling "Forgetting about her will be a punishment,so I should rather let the pain hit me as long as it will remind me of her."

So much love,so much pain.I really thought they are not real, I thought they only exist in books.But they are real,not a figment of imagination,not something inked down on a page which I can flip.

"Letting go of pain doesn't mean you will forget her."

He twitched his lips "She gave me a home.Why can't I take the pain for her? She gave me the most precious thing mankind have ever held onto."

A gold? Tons of diamonds? Or what?

"What did she give you?" It was Bashir who asked now.

"She gave me a shelter in her heart.She allowed me to reside in her soul."

Bashir nod his head in understanding "She definitely won't love seeing you in pain.So let go of it."

"Every single day without her seems like a punishment to me.About moving on,it is easier said than done."

I stood up and my brothers also did so "Bye,take care." I wave at him and he smiled a little "Thank you."

I nod my head and we stepped out "Wow,the atmosphere was so thick in there." Al'amin said panting a little making me smack him.

"And Aunty M,you really looked so unlike you in there.So serious."

I shrugged and we get back inside our house.

We found Abba eating when we entered,he looked like a hungry wolf ready to pounce on anything he finds edible.

He also looks so tired.

I gave him a little smile knowing that I have nothing more to give him "Seems like you had a tired day."

He nod his head quickly at my statement "The sun was literally boiling my brain." He replied letting out a little chuckle.

It was as if he was not the one.The same rich man who never walked under the sun without an umbrella over his head.

Tears tried falling out of my eyes,the pain was too much for me to handle.I am finding all this hard,I can't even imagine how Abba is feeling.

He doesn't have a car anymore,he have to walk under the sun.

He cannot buy anything he wants now,he have to manage.

He is also living a different kind of life,which is harder than ours.He doesn't even look into our eyes anymore,maybe he feels like he have failed us by bringing us into this tattered estate.

I don't think so,all I see in him is a father who is striving hard to lessen our difficulties.

He is used to having bodyguards all around,an umbrella over his head when he gets out of his car,he is used to being in a big house and having different varieties of food on the table.

Take a look at him now,he is taking Rice and oil with water beside him.

I silently walked back to my room and fall on my bed as I let tears crawl out of my eyes.

Life is getting harder everyday.We didn't have much problems back then.

My problem was always; The gown I was going to buy being out of stock.Wanting to have the latest car and phone.My visa getting delayed or maybe the maid being a minute late when I call for her.

But now, I feel like problems keep adding up into my life and it is driving me insane.

This estate.This small house.This small room.Cooking and washing the dishes.Fetching water.Washing my clothes.Tidying up the house.

I hate them all!

I want my old life back,the life full of luxury.

The free and happy kind of life.I promise I won't complain about a thing after that.

I broke into tears yet again,bracing myself for the days we will spend in Jalo estate,hoping that it ends soon.

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