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Trailing behind Ammi,we both walked out of the room and sat on the couch.Ammi let her lips spread into a wide smile "Good afternoon." She greeted the woman sitting on the couch.

The woman whose name is Chef Ruks,the owner of the restaurant downstairs smiled brightly as she fiddled with the hemp of her daughter's gown "Afternoon,I have been wanting to come and say hi since when you moved in,but things have been hectic."

Ammi smiled at her shaking her head "It is really okay.We are the ones supposed to come after all."

Silence prevailed the parlor and I smiled at the little girl who won't be more than 6 years "Hey cutie.What is your name?" I questioned smiling and the girl shyly giggled looking at her mother before replying me "Nadia."

Such a lovely name! Opps I should have said that out loud.

Well whateves.

"Aww,such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Rule number 16:Be nice to the kids,it makes the mothers happy and it keeps you on their good side.

The mother chuckled a little also "I will get water for you." I said standing up to get water for the woman.

I got a plate and put two satchet water in it before going back to the parlor and dropping it in front of the woman.I also got some cupcakes which our aunt bought for us the other day for them.

The woman pass me an invitation card "My first daughter is turning 16 next tomorrow.So, I am throwing a little party in the restaurant.I hope you drop by." She said smiling at me and I smiled back at her letting my eyes trail on Ammi who nodded her head.

"We will be there,Insha Allah."

"Thank you so much." She replied happily "Err,is there any dressing code or maybe color?" The woman shook her head and I nod my head in understanding.

She stood up and her daughter packed two cupcakes on her hand,she have her a stern look which screams "KEEP THAT NOW!" Well aren't all mothers nearly the same?

"Let her carry it please." I muffled my laughter as they go out saying bye and I closed the door.

I called both of my brothers and told them about the party and the both of them seemed way too excited.

"I will go and look for what to wear!" Bashir shout and I roll my eyes.I am the lady so I am the one supposed to be doing that but my buffalo brother is doing it in my case.

A knock resonated in my ears and I aimed for the door to open it.

I open the door and a figure stood in front of me making my mouth hang open.

I have to confront him one day or the other.I might likely bump into him like I am used too.

But him coming to our house?

Nope! I didn't think of that,even in my dream.

Not like I dream about him!

Well,confession: I did once and it was not a great experience.

"Who is it? You are standing like you saw a lion,you are probably thinking of ways to run away.Gosh Aunty M!" Al'amin laughed at his own joke,well at least he snapped me out of my trance.

"Uhh,hey!" I waved and he just smiled at me amused,I shift and shove my hands for him to come in "You are welcome to our kingdom."

Al'amin rushed to the door "I need to see who is there. He said as he came face to face with Maina,a smile broke into his mouth as he usher him in.

As if I haven't done that already.

I roll my eyes and walked inside slumping on one of the couches as Al'amin went to call Ammi and Bashir.

I looked everywhere but him,my eyes dart to the small silver stones on my black abaya as I trace them "Why are you avoiding me,Mariam?"

God knows that I missed this name.The way it rolls out of his tongue perfectly as if it was made for him to say.

"What are you even saying?" I questioned nervously laughing "I am not doing that." I chuckled.

"I missed you."

Maina really needs communication skills.How can he be so blunt?

Now my heart have got no cool,he said it only as a friend.Wait are we even friends?

Gosh,forget about it!

Ammi came out of the kitchen drying her hands "Welcome." She smiled warmly at him.

"Good afternoon." He greeted and she smiled answering "I was wondering if me and Miriam can go out.I need her help in something."

I know that I love straight forward people,but Maina's own is just out of lane.

Ammi's face showed nothing but confusion "Miriam? Who is that?"

It is me,Ammi!

The first thing I noticed is that he got nervous,he began chewing his lips as he scratch his neck then he started tumbling on his words.That made me erupt in laughter "That is what he calls me." I replied still giggling at his nervousness.

"What do you need help with?" She questioned like the protective mother she is.

"Um I—I actually wanted to change the paint of this estate.So, I wanted her to help me in choosing the paint color."

Wow,painting this estate.

Sounds fun!

I am already thinking about different colors.

"Maryam have a good taste of colors! She can gladly help." Ammi stated a bit way too enthusiastic and I narrow my eyes at her raising my eyebrow while she just give me a wide smile which I had no choice but to.....return the favor.

"I will help." I said nodding my head.

"When are we going?" I questioned trying to hide the fact that I am bothered of being alone with him "Now." He replied and I felt like putting my head into a cold water.I need that okay.....very badly.

"Yeah,sure?" Ammi looked at me and I just nod my head looking completely bored, I stood up letting my eyes cast on him "I will just get ready." I replied and I swear I heard him mumble something like "You are already ready."

Well screw him!

And me altogether.

I wrapped my veil and pinned it beautifully then carried my silver bag and slung it on my shoulder.I prayed perfume on my whole body making sure I smell good.

Rule number 5:Smell extremely good.

I stepped out after putting my sliver flat,I also dabbed a little powder on my fave and then a little bit of glossy lipsticks.

"Bye!" I said to Ammi waving my hand as I followed Maina who taking big strides "Calm down Maina.We will definitely reach this car of yours." I joked and he laughed shaking his head.

I jumped into the car and we zoom off.

He turned on the Air conditioner and also slide up the windows.


I missed this, I miss being in a car,with air conditioner calming my soul and with slow music,not to forget the fact that the car is smelling soooo awesome.

I had a very long day,a very tired one and I have been sleepy since morning.

So, I did something which is not in my rules.

I fell asleep inside a very handsome and hot guy's car.

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