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Believe me, I fought for my name's right.I kept telling him that it is Maryam not Mariam but he didn't agree.To top it all he went away and left me there.

Couldn't he be a gentleman?


"Maryam,are you still in there?" I heard Abba's voice "Yes, I will be out in a minute thou." I replied.

Well, I am currently bathing.One toilet for the whole family is really not a good experience.Earlier, I started peeing in my pant because I was pressed and Ammi was in the toilet.

This trashy estate,ugh!

I washed my body with water as I step out.Abba was waiting for me by the door so I smiled at him while he enters.


I walked to my room and applied my body cream then a little powder and lip balm then kohl.I am a makeup person but it is so hot here.My makeup ends up getting ruined and I will be feeling like some sort of a hotcake.

I carried an army green mommy jeans and put on then a milk top.

Spraying my perfume,I tie an army green turban on my head as I walk out.I found Ammi watching the television so I joined her.We actually carried one tv from our old house and came with it.

"I made some meat pie,you can take some to Ramlah if you want." Ammi stated pointing at the meat pie she made.

Al'amin and Bashir have been bothering everyone about wanting to eat some snacks.So,Abba bought the ingredients today and Ammi made meat pie.

I also know that Ammi is trying to lessen my burden by becoming friends with Ramlah.I stood up and carried 4 meat pie from the tray,I munch on one while I put the remaining 3 in a plate.

I slip my legs into a slipper as I stepped out with my phone on the my left hand while the plate on the right.

"I hope she is around though." I mumbled under my breath as I walk towards her apartment.The plate of meat pie was suddenly seized from my hand.

"What the hell?!"

I shout looking at the sudden intruder "You have got a cool temper,Mariam." He stated folding his hands as he give a lopsided smile,he carried one meat pie and munch on it closing his eyes in delight.

I faked a smile snatching the plate away from his grasp "You have got cool manners too." I sarcastically remarked eyeing him and he let out a laugh.

He bought out cigarette and was ready to light it "Not now please!"

He shrugged his shoulder lighting it nevertheless "It is harmful,you know that but you still do it." I quipped and he smile "Harmful things give us joy-a bitter sweet one."

"Even the makers have written it,but of course y'all still don't get the message." I know I should be scared of him,he is really intimidating.

He stared at me letting his smile drop before he got it back "We are never asked the reason why we smoke.How did we start? Why can't we stop? What makes us tempted to smoke? We are just tagged as smokers without knowing the story behind it."

I kept quite not knowing what to say.I know that their is a story behind everything and I agree I judged him pretty quickly.

He shrugged nonchalantly "Thanks for the delicious meat pie,Mariam." He stated as he walk away.

"It is M-A-R-Y-A-M!"

Letting out a sigh of exasperation, I further walked to Ramlah's apartment and knock on the door,after a few seconds the door was opened and Ramlah stood in front of me still in her sleeping gown.

"Hi." I waved smiling "Come in." She replied smiling at me and I step inside.This house is okay for someone who lives alone,it is exactly like ours.

I sat down on the black couch as I hand her the plate "Ammi made some meat pie so she asked me to bring some for you."

She smiled widely and collect it "Awwn,thanks!"

I noticed that she was limping and also her face seems bruised.I mean,the side of her lips have a little wound and her hand also.

"What is wrong with your face and hands?" I questioned still not taking my eyes off her.

"Oh, I fell down."

She was fine yesterday.And how on earth can falling down cause this?

I narrowed my eyes on her "I am not a small girl,tell me what is wrong.Did a kidnapper sort of broke into your house yesterday? Maybe like beat you up and stole some things?"

She shook her head laughing a little "Let me get you something to drink." She stood up and walked to her fridge "What would you like? I have maltina and sprite."

"Sprite is fine for me." I muttered loud enough for her to hear.

"Tell me what is wrong,Ramlah."

I don't know why I care so much,probably because I take her as my own sister.She is here all alone in this cruel world without her family,it must be pretty hard for her to be away from her loved ones.

"Nothing." She replied and then she started crying,I shift closer to her and held her hand "You can tell me." She nod her head as I wipe her tears and hug her.

She cried for a long time before she stopped.

"When I came here for the first time,my parents hooked me up with their friend's son who works in this city.He helped me with my registration and also made sure I settled comfortably here." She sniffed before she continued "He was so nice to me,he takes me out every Friday and I couldn't help but start loving him.He said he love me and I accepted."

"We took the matter home and everyone was happy,my parents said he should wait for me to finish studying and he agreed."

I nod my head showing her that I am listening.

"He started changing last two months,he started slapping me and even hitting me."

A gasp left my mouth while she cried more.So abusive boyfriends really do exist?

"I told my parents and they all thought that I am lying.They said he cannot do something like this because he is a good man."

"I don't know what to do,Aunty M."

I hug her tightly patting her shoulder,knowing exactly what to do.

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