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My eyes have started closing which gave me the sign that sleep was about to take my soul when I felt a hand nudging me "If you don't have a death wish, then let me sleep." I threatened still not opening my eyes.

"Wake up,Maryam." Ammi's voice reached my ears and I whined "What is it?" I questioned.I am doing something called sleeping for crying out loud.

No one comes in between me and sleep.

"We need to cook." She stated and I opened my eyes rolling them "When did we start cooking? Isn't that the work of the chefs?"

I opened my eyes completely when water was sprinkled on my face "What the hell!!"

I met Ammi's infuriating self in front of me "We don't have chefs anymore,so we have to cook." She stated fiercely.

"Oh." That was all I could say as I sat up stretching myself and yawning in the process.I feel utterly sleep deprived due to my lack of morning sleep,to top it all I am so tired that I feel like not moving even a finger.

And now,cooking?

Alert rose in me as I stood up and walked to the kitchen "I don't even know how to cook,Ammi." I stated letting my back rest on the kitchen wall.

Ammi raised her head and looked at me "I will teach you now." She stated.

I wanted to say I don't want to learn,but I didn't want to test her patience.

I looked at her struggling with some sort of a thread "Why didn't Abba get a gas?" I questioned "Because he can't deal with refilling it."

"So what is this?" I questioned and she looked up angrily,I know that she will lash on me "You seriously don't know what this is,Maryam?" She stated pointing at the thing and I nod my head slowly.

Is it something I need to know?

She let out a hiss eyeing me "This is a stove! Get that through your head." She stated and I nod my head.I cannot be blamed for not knowing it, I grew up in a gas generation.Everywhere we go they use gas to cook.

"Okay." I replied when I realized that she was waiting for my reply.

I stood there watching her fiddle with the thread till she fixed it all inside the circle shaped not so big holes.She poured kerosine inside and then put the threads inside and set everything.She carried a match stick and hand it to me.

I took tentative steps towards her as I collect it,my heart was hammering against my chest and she raised her eyebrow "Light it," She stated and I nod my head.I know a match stick just that I have never used it,we use gas lighter in our house.

I pushed it and bought out one stick while Ammi turned to pour oil in the pot.I made myself believe that I can do it before matching them together and nothing came.

Wiping off the sweat on my forehead, I tried again.

I didn't want to tell Ammi that I don't know how to use it and that I am scared.She seems already angry and I didn't want to anger her more.

I bought out another one and matched it,but it still didn't work "You are holding it wrong," Ammi muttered,she came forward and showed me how to do it,it light up but she turned it off with her lips airing it down.

"Try." She stated and I nod my head.

It is not even funny anymore.I did as she showed me and it lighted.

At first,a feeling of victory came though me and then panic scurried it away,my hand was getting hot and the fire was coming closer to my finger "What should I do Ammi?" I questioned desperately as I let go of it terrified,The light went off immediately after it hit the ground.

I duck my head down "You are supposed to twist this and then put the stick here so that it lights up." She stated calmly which made me know that she isn't angry.

I nod my head as I did just that pushing my fear of the fire catching my finger away.And I did it!

I let a smile caress my lips as I turned to Ammi.

She smiled at me as she kept the pot on the stove "Cook jollof rice.I am sure you know how to cook that at least." She stated walking out of the kitchen.

Well I don't know how to!

Sighing in defeat I watched the oil fry.Not knowing what to do next I carried a cup and fetch water from it transferring it to the pot,then add 3 more cups.

I carried the onion and scotched bonnet and put it inside.

"What next?" I asked myself standing as I look all around the kitchen,my eyes dart to the cupboard of spices and my brain light up "Seasoning!"

I pat myself proudly as I got them.

I put two spoons of each seasoning before taking them back to their original place,I found a bowl of measured rice and I transferred it into the pot also.

I stirred it all and walked out of the kitchen smiling.

Cooking is easy,it isn't as bad as I taught.

But wait,we are going to have food without meat? Jollof rice without salad cream or coslow? And which drink are we making? Mojito or smoothie? Or none?

Well yes,none.We are poor now I should keep that in mind.

Abba and my brothers have went out,so it is only me and Ammi in the house,she seems to be in her room praying.

I went to check on my food and stirred it like ten times then smiled "Chef Maryam."

Now thinking about it, I should have became a chef,it will suit me.I went back to the parlor holding my phone in my grasp as I start scrolling through it.

The smell of something burning hit my nostrils and I ran to the kitchen and yes,it is my rice.

Well,it can be eaten as smoked jollof rice then.

High five!

I turned off the stove and bought out plates then serve the rice.It looks somehow watery but it smells nice.

"Your food is burning Maryam." Ammi stated "I am done already!"

I carried the pot with my bare hands hurting me in the process "Sh*t this hurts like hell." I winced letting go of it on the ground.It made the food spill a little in the process.

I stared at my hand which was like burning with pain,I gulped my saliva as I tried to just put it at the back of my mind for now.

I heard Abba's voice notifying that they are back so I carried the food one by one and kept it in front of them.

"Welcome back,you will get to taste the food of chef Maryam today."

Everyone came together to start eating,I went to my room to apply honey on my hand to subside the burning sensation but it seems to only increase my pain.

"Today we will finally taste Aunty M's food." Bashir stated smiling widely "One in a lifetime great opportunity." Abba stated making Ammi laugh loudly.

"I am diving in because I am so hungry." Al'amin stated.

I waited for everyone to take their food,so that I can see their reaction.They all took a spoonful into their mouth.

They chewed it and I waited impatiently for one of them to say a word.

My heart beat accelerated and I put my hands on it trying to calm it down.This is the first time I have cooked something apart from indomie in my whole 21 years of my life.

I have never bothered to learn talkless of cooking it.We had chefs all around and I know that after marriage, I will get my own chefs too.

Al'amin started coughing as he puke out the food "Did you put a whole seasoning shop inside?"

Ammi turned looking at me quizzically "You didn't wash the rice,did you?"

I muttered incoherent words under my breath huffing "I had to wash it?" I questioned seriously not knowing.

Abba threw his hands back and laughed annoyingly before narrowing his eyes at me.

"You are such a bad cook for a 21 year old."

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