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Painting Jalo estate wasn't an easy task.

Why did I say so?

Because we are helping with the painting,Maina called professional painters but we still decided to help.

Me,Maina,Al'amin,Bashir and Ramlah with Aunty Ruks daughter whose name is Dahlia were all dressed in black clothes which have sprinkle of paint on them.

The rest of the tenants are wearing white.Everyone is doing the painting except the kids.

I finally got to meet the five guys living at the far end of downstairs,not that I was eager to meet them or anything but they are really a sight to behold.

They have twins among them;Jamil and Jamal.

Then triplets,Ahsan,Aasim and Abyad.

They really do have lovely names.They are also all young.Well if 18 is young.

They are just bunch of college guys who have fun.I don't blame them for living their lives to the fullest.

"Aunty M,do the place you can and I will do the rest." Jamal the calmest one of them all stated and I smiled warmly at him "Okay."

I am currently holding onto a light purple paint,the color is really beautiful.I dip the brush inside and bought it outside making some drip on my thigh as I was squatting down.I started spreading the pain as Al'amin called my name "Say cheese." He said with his camera hung on his neck and I did.

My hands started hurting me as I tried to reach upward "Damn you are so short,Mariam." Of course,Maina graced us with his presence now.

Turning around and giving him a hard glare "I am not short." I said turning around and continued painting while he comes closer "Give me, I will do it."

I smiled thankfully shaking my head at him "Jamal said he will do it."

"Who is he?"

Maina really needs to know everyone here,cause wtf!

"One of the tenants,obviously." I rolled my eyes then searching for places the paint didn't touch so I can fix it.

After realizing that Maina is still confused, I called out for Jamal who ran to me willingly "You can take over." I said to him and he took my bucket of paint then pointing at his "You can take over from where I left."

Nodding my head, I started walking and Maina followed me.

I feel sort of accomplished right now.Hehehe!

"Aren't you going to paint?" I asked Maina while I wave at Ramlah who was cheekily waving at me "I'd rather watch you paint."

Scoffing at his tactic,I eye him "What do you really want?" I questioned giving him my attention,Maina isn't normally like this,he is being extra nice today.

He gave a lopsided smile "You know me too well,Miriam." Ahh! So, I was right? Well,bingo!!

He kept quite for a while and I continued painting with the green paint I was holding,I kept spreading the paint making sure I didn't leave anywhere un-painted.

My hands hurts,my legs too and even my eyes too.

I just hope a splurge of colors won't end up being a bad idea.The people of this estate will definitely kill me.

I just hope it doesn't end up too bright,in my own perspective I feel like it will turn out great and colorful,every house have its own paint even though the houses are joined together.

I am already imagining them with swords and guns coming after me to kill me.That is;If this idea turns out to be a bad one.

Blinking my eyes, I pushed the bad thought away.

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