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Shutting the book close,I turned to Mims who was smiling at her phone "Let's go."

She stood up and we made our way out of the class,as usual everyone loves our vibes,the clothes we wear and the cars we ride.

We are finally back to school after a long vacation.Our vacations are mostly short but due bandits problems,the vacations were prolonged nationwide.

We have two semesters to go and we will kiss university good bye.Being a public health student is not as easy as it looks,you have to read everything.

Here,money doesn't help,the lectures are extremely stern.That is what they think.

I am not the brightest of students,I get like two carry overs every semester,but I pay for it and case closed-money always works no matter what they say.

"Bye." Mims waved at me and I waved back smiling as I hopped into my BMW.

I start the car and swerved effortlessly till I found myself in front of our big mansion,the gates were opened for me and I swiftly moved in.

I parked the car in the parking lot and hopped off.A familiar car which doesn't belong to any member of my family was there.

I walked in twirling my keys in my hand as I dust my brown high waist skirt out of habit.

"I am back!"

Ammi walked out of the kitchen holding a cup of juice as she smiled waving her hand "Freshen up and come downstairs,I cooked today." Excitedly I dump my bag and walked to her "I will eat first." I mouthed.

"Maintain Maryam.Can't you see that we have a guest?"

Which guest again?


She nod her head pointing at the guest.

My gaze fell on a guy with brown eyes who was giving a lopsided smile.

My heart beat picked up as he waved his hand "Long time no see,Miriam."


Yes,it is him.

It is Maina!

It is really Maina!

"MAINA!" He nod his head smiling "Glad you still remember my name."

How could I forget?

"You can,it has been 2 months."

Opps, I said that out loud.

"Where have you been?" I have been worried sick!

He narrowed his eyes at me "Someone told me that I can heal.That person also told me that healing is journey which I need to take alone.That person also told me to go for rehab and also meet a therapist.I did just that."

Letting a smile caress my face,I sit down eyeing him "That person didn't tell you disappear." He nod his head.

"I wanted to surprise that person.I wanted to thank that person for believing I can heal when I thought I couldn't."

"Thank you,Miriam." His voice was so sincere and I nearly melt over it.

"I also missed you a lot,Miriam." Their is something about the way he calls my name after finishing his sentence that drive me nut.

"I missed you too." I mumbled and he perk his ears "I didn't hear you."

Rolling my eyes,I stood up and started walking off "I will just go and freshen up.We need a lot of catch up to do."

He nod his head while I walk off.

"Mariam," He called when I was about to climb the last stair "What?"

He gave me his usual lopsided smile "You have gotten more beautiful."

Maina called me beautiful.

Oh God!

He did!

"You got more handsome too."

I meant it.

Like,have you seen him?


Abba smiled at Maina as they talk about Jalo estate.

How much I miss that estate!

We visited them thrice since after we left,we also invited them for lunch twice.

Ramlah and Dahlia come to visit me almost every week.

The 5 guys also come to visit my buffalo brothers.

"Yes,I am trying to start a cement business there." Abba said as he chew his apple "We have many shops outside,you just have to choose one." Maina replied.

After the delicious lunch,Ammi called me to her room.

"You have grown up into a very sensible woman,I am very proud of you Maryam." She said smiling "You changed many lives in Jalo estate and thinking of it makes me happy."

"Maina told me that you pushed him to see a therapist.He said that it is the best advice he have ever taken.It made him a better version of himself.I was so proud when he was telling us."

She hugged me and I hugged her back.

Above all, I am proud of myself.I am proud that I raised my voice against everything wrong.

After all the talks,me and Maina finally walked to the garden to talk.

"You don't know about my story but you will know with time." I nod my head.

We both kept quite as we watch the plants move and dance to nature.

"You know Mariam.I don't know what I would have done without you."

I gave him a cheeky smile ignoring the way my heart was beating so fast.

He kept staring at me smiling.Feeling self conscious,I put my hands on my face "Stop staring!"

"I can't."

"What if you see my ugliness?"

"I doubt you have something ugly on your face."


He just laughed and still continued staring at me.


It found me.

It found us.

Maina didn't tell me he love me but I know he does,from the way he looks at me.He stare at me very passionately,like a beautiful flower that her beauty intrigues him and he want to keep gazing t it for the rest of his life,like a treasure which he wants no one to touch.

I also love him too.

It might be a shocker or maybe not.But, I am in love with Maina.I don't know how or when,I just found him disrupting my thoughts for the past two months.

One day,we will confess it to each other.

That day is coming soon.

I removed my hands from my face huffing a little as I smile at him and he smile back.

My Maina.

My man.

"You are my safe zone,Mariam.You mean everything to me."

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