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                                  • M A I N A •

I swerved the steering wheel as I got lost in my thoughts,that is what I do most of the time and that is what I enjoy the most.Getting lost and jumping into another new world.

"You know Mariam,you make me vulnerable without even trying to." I voice out and silence was what I got, I turned to look at her and there she was.


She is an art.A pure freaking masterpiece.

She was fast asleep and she looked undeniably peaceful,a little smile formed on my lips as I chuckled at the way her lips were left apart.

I carried my phone and snapped a picture of her while she sleep.

She makes me smile,she makes me laugh,she makes me happy.

And I love being with her,a-lot.

I took another turn still smiling.

I didn't have a great life.Maina Muhammad Jalo is a man who was made up of behind many pain and heartbreaks.

I once had a normal life too-A family,friends and everything normal people have.Well apart from my parents daily fights.

And I was still really grateful.

Everything went down when my mother decided that she want to leave my father,for a reason as small as-he is not rich.

She left me without caring.My father on the other side who was supposed to grieve didn't do that,he had the will to become rich.So,he started working on it.

I was then left with no one to turn to,no one to tell my problems to.No one to wipe my tears when someone snatch my favorite sweet or maybe when it falls down.I had no one.

I lived alone.I was young, I was just 12 and I had to face life.The brutal reality of life all alone.

My father was so busy,he bought a wicked nanny to take care of me.My mother started her own family and she rarely remembers that she have a son.

In short,I was a neglected child.

My father hated me for what my mother did to him-It is not like I am the one who asked her to leave.

My father became rich,utterly rich and powerful.Life was still complicated,he only got busier and life kept getting harder.

Whenever I had a problem, I had no one to talk to.

I had friends but they were all hypocrites,they were all with me just because I spend money on them.I was literally alone despite having many people around me.

Life got harder with each passing day.

So, I decided to commit suicide.Living is not necessary since no one cares about me.I knew that even if I died,no one will even cry.

Yes,that is how much it went-I was nearly invisible.

I braced myself for suicide which I thought was my only option at 16.I went and stood in front of a mountain and fell inside the water without having a care in the world.

The water was so cold and I nearly freeze to death,it was a terrible experience,a very scary one.

But then,someone saved me.

My parents scolded me-a lot.

They didn't ask me why I did it,they just kept scolding me.Life got harder once again.

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