Revealing your relationship on New Year~

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You, Song Y/n, a solo singer but also an actress and at times, a model too. You had a hectic life. Paparazzi stuck with you like glue. They followed you almost everywhere. But sometimes you get away from them once in a while.

How? Well, either your bodyguards don't let them enter anywhere near your premises spent time with your boyfriend from which you automatically forget everything and only focus on him; Jungkook.

He's also a singer but is in a group of seven. You haven't revealed your relationship because you guys were afraid.

Afraid of what? Getting hate? No. You weren't afraid of that. You guys were scared that the media and all would create misunderstandings.

Not that you both don't trust each other. It's just that...when you're stressed and all, even the impossible and silly things people say get to you.

You both have discussed this after your 3rd anniversary together. After all the long talks, you both thought that even if something like that ever happens, a little reassurance would be great. It would make your bond even stronger.

Nonetheless, you and Jungkook were getting desperate. Not in a bad way. You both were very excited to see your fans' reaction. But you were simply waiting for the right moment.
XXX Point: the new year's eve~

You were getting ready for your performance which was in about 10 minutes. You were getting your makeup done when you heard...*knock knock*

Following a coconut head peaking in the room. A soon as you guys you instantly smiled while your makeup artist respectfully bowed to which he bowed back.

"Uh...c-can I talk to Y/n for a bit?" "Sure." Later that, you two were the only ones in the room. "What?" Jungkook just sheepishly smiled and walked towards you who was sitting on the chair. He bent down and squished your cheeks together and made weird sounds while shaking your head. "What the heck?" You removed his hands to which he pouted.

"Meanie~" "Why did you do that?" "Is that even a question? You looked so cute and your cheeks looked so chubby and soft. Still does..." He trailed off and was slowly reaching for your cheeks again when you slapped his hand away.

"Why are you here? To ruin my mood or my makeup?" He giggles. "Unfortunately, someone forgot to do the most important thing in this world while stepping our of MY house this morning." He exaggerated.

"I did take all my things with me and informed the security that I'm about to lea-" "Yahh!! Are you being serious?" He says, offended meanwhile you just look at him in confusion. "Ms Song forgot to kiss her boyfriend before leaving his house." He says in a serious tone and a glare while you just roll your eyes at his childish behaviour.
Time Skip:

You already performed and so did everyone. Yes, your boyfriend and you coincidentally had to perform at the same place. Right now, it was almost twelve and everybody was counting the last ten seconds before the clock struck twelve.

You and Jungkook made eye contact for 2 seconds before you looked away, trying to not make it obvious. Usually, you and jungkook would be at home, cuddling under the stars before the start of a fresh new year. It has always been the same since the past 4 years.

Missing him as if he wasn't standing in front of you, you took a few small side steps towards his group. And that didn't go unnoticed by them as they all started giggling.

"5...4...3...2...1. Happy New Year!!!" The crowd of fans cheered and soon there was a blast of fireworks. Jungkook smiled and looked towards his left only to see some idol couples kissing. A/N: Happy New Year everyone!💜

He thought for a second and wrapped his left arm around your waist before pulling you towards him. "What are you doing?" You place your hands on his chest to maintain the least distance.

"Y/'s time. The perfect time. I can feel it." Before you can even process his words, he closed his eyes and placed his lips on yours.

For a split second, you froze. But then you realized what he was saying. The perfect reveal our relationship. You started kissing back shortly after, causing both of you to smile.
"Happy new year, baby." He whispered, showing his bunny teeth. "Hehe...happy new year. I love you." Your voice came out smaller than you expected causing Jungkook to chuckle. "I love you too, precious."

You immediately noticed the silence of the crowd. Looking at them in confusion, you saw their shocked faces. Jungkook was also looking at the same direction when somebody from the back of the crowd shouted.

"They are dating!!!!" There were screams and cheers everywhere. You looked at Jungkook and saw the joyful expression on his face. He's proud. Not long after, he looked at you and you both smiled at each other before you had to hug him to hide your blushing cheeks in his chest. The members were quietly watching, making a note to tease you after.

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