Picking you up from your friends house- J.Jungkook

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Are you going somewhere?” Jungkook asked as soon as Y/n came out of the bathroom wearing jeans and a simple yet cute tank top. “Hm? Oh! Yeah, I told you about the sleep over at Jia’s house. It’s today.” Y/n said as she wore her necklace and roamed around the room in search for her scrunchy.

Yeah, but isn’t it too early for a sleep over?” He scratched the back of his head as his eyes followed her.  “I know but we decided to meet up early and for a long time since we haven’t been able to meet everyone because of our schedules. Seriously, where the hell is this thing-“ “What are you looking for?” Jungkook finally decided to ask.

Y/n jumped up on her feet after looking under the bed as she breathed heavily.“My fawn scrunchy...I remember putting it here last ti-“ “This one?” Jungkook said holding his wrist up as Y/n’s eyes widened. “You’ve been wearing that the whole time!” She jumped on him on the bed as he just laughed and fell back with her.

After a while of messing around in the bed, Jungkook held Y/n’s waist and pulled her closer as he nuzzled his nose in her neck. “Do you have to go?” His voice came out small and quiet.Y/n gently pushed Jungkook back. “No. Not right now. I’m late already.” She said shaking her head vigorously.

Fine, I’ll drop you off…” Jungkook sighed as he got off the bed with Y/n. Her eyes widened as she jumped in front of him making him halt. “ What?” “Idon’tneedaride“I am sorry?“I said, I do not need a ride. I’ll take a cab.” She smiled from ear to ear as Jungkook pinched her cheeks. “Sure baby, but I’m going to Jimin’s house because you’re leaving me lonely here. So I’ll just drop you on my way there. Why are you so tensed over it?”Jungkook placed his palms on Y/n’s shoulders as he massaged them.

“Nothing, I’ll wait for you in the car then I guess.” Jungkook nodded and pecked Y/n’s lips as she then went to Jungkook’s limited Bugatti La Voiture Noire. Jungkook was a very successful CEO and he was widely known in Korea for being successful at such a young age and of course, his looks.
He was hella rich and hella handsome. Y/n and Jungkook met at a Party, a party that both of them were not interested to go in, but they did because of their friends.Y/n did because she didn't want to be left out and Jungkook went to same party because he was forced by his friends.

Nonetheless, he got attracted to Y/n who was being cornered by her friends and was sitting on the countertop of the kitchen, hanging her legs like a child but still looking sexy. Fast forward to 9 months after, they are in a happy healthy relationship and are definitely not playing around. There wasn't much problem except the fact that Jungkook was a dashing CEO and Y/n was in high school despite their age difference being 2 years.

Flinching at the unexpected thud of the car's door closing, Jungkook chuckled. "Is my bug mad?" "What? No?" "Then can I have me scrunchie back?" "My? Since when it became yours?" "Everything yours is mine. Everything mine is yours. Simple. Including ur heart." Y/n raised her brows, questioning and Jungkook just said a quick nothing before they left.
Arriving at Jia's house, Y/n made Jungkook stop way before the entrance. "But why?" He asked worried. "It's not far from here, I'll just walk, you can turn from here." Saying this Y/n got out, not letting Jungkook speak. But he stayed there until Y/n disappeared from his sight. He sighed and drove to Jimin's. The next evening, everyone at Jia's house was sitting in the jacuzzi in her lawn, having refreshers and laughing, Y/n not being the part of the conversation.

Her phone binged, she looked to see a text from Jungkook. "If you forgot me, I'm still your boyfriend you love -_- can I come pick you up now? Please? It's fine if you wanna stay :(" Y/n giggled at his cuteness gaining others attention. "Ya know pick me girls giggle at this age." Maya said looking at you up and down as Jess took a loud sip of her juice.

"Oh, I just thought a text was funny. Sorry to disturb, carry on." "Yeah ANYWAYS. So Asher asked me out and-" they continued their conversation and Y/n replied to Jungkook. Where she was deny him, she decided to go back home and relax, which she wasn't able to do here.
"Yeah okay, you can come" "in a minute" Jungkook instantly replied back. Y/n couldn't tell if he was being literal. She shrugged it off and got up and out of the jacuzzi, wrapping a towel around her as everyone looked at her. "You're drying yourself off at the peak jacuzzi hours?" Jess judged. "I'm going home. Thank you for inviting Jia, I had lots of fun." Y/n smiled sweetly. None of the replied back and only looked at her quietly.

Y/n went in the house to get her clothes and stuff. As she was getting out, Jungkook parked just in front of the house and honked a little. All the girls sitting whipped their heads to the direction and gasped. They started screaming in excitement. Jungkook got out of the car when he saw Y/n coming to help her with her bag that was, fairly small, but he was a gentleman after all.

Y/n widened her eyes, "why are you so in-" Jungkook cut her off with a strong kiss, infront of the car, the girls; their mouth agape. "Dang I really can't live without you." Y/n smiled softly. Jungkook opened the door for her and covered her head until she sat. Then sat too and drove out.
Y/n was shaking her leg and biting her nails. Jungkook noticed her every action, and put a hand on her thigh, caressing it lightly. "I suppose you haven't told your friends about me." Y/n looked at him and blinked twice. "Huh? Oh yea. Yes. I haven't." Jungkook hummed. "Do you... mind?" She peaked at his expressions. "What? No, not at all. I was just wondering why? They're the reason we met after all." Jungkook said, still caressing her thigh. Y/n sighed.

"If I tell them, they'll think I'm a gold digger dating you. Or I'm bragging. Or I'm trying to make them jealous." She rolled her eyes and Jungkook laughed. "You should be making them jealous. A handsome boyfriend, a beauty yourself. They're probably talking about you right now bet." Y/n laughed.

"Is that why you didn't want me to drop you off at the gate? They'll think-" "yes." Y/n closed her eyes thinking of what will happen next. Jungkook stopped the car at an icecream parlour, and turned towards Y/n holding her hand. "If you let other's words affect you so much, it's going to just have an impact on your *knocks head* mental health.

Because people don't often think what they say or how it will affect others." He continued intertwining their hands. "Live how you want to, don't let words control it hm? You won'tget to live these moments again. And I don'tand never thought and never will think you'rea pfft gold digger. You don't even take the gifts I buy for you. I'd love to shower you with snacks, chocolates from all around the world, cute scrunchies, I wanna get you everything to show you how much I love you. Even though I think that won't be enough."

Y/n laughed, eyes glistening at her sweet mature boyfriend. Jungkook's lips curved up. He kissed her apples and their hands. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable by coming there." He said pouting. Y/n chuckled and ruffled his hair. "No, you didn't. I'm glad you came. I was dying there!!" Y/n exaggerate as Jungkook laughed at her. "Then can I have this?" He held the fawn scrunchie on her wrist. Y/n rolled her eyes as Jungkook giggle and took it off, wearing it and getting out of the car "Lessgo have some icecream!" "YAYY icecream!! I'll have the black current one" "my girlfriend's definitely weird"

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