Savingyou from suicide Part 2

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As you felt yourself ‘dying and drowning’, your eyes widened when you felt a pair of arms wrapping around your waist. You were getting dragged by someone whom you couldn’t recognize because of the darkness underwater. Either way, you didn’t have the energy to protest anyways.

Finally reaching the shore, the person breathed heavily and made you sit up properly as you gasped for air. Coming back to your senses, you looked at the person in front of you and soon, your eyes became cold. “Why did you do that?” You said, expressionlessly.

“What do you mean? Do you think I would’ve let you die like this? Why would you jump in the water like that when you know you CAN NOT swim?!” He angered.

Get the fuck out of my business Jungkook. I knew what I was doing.” You pushed him away as you got up and tried to walk away but failed when he pulled you back down. “You are NOT going away without telling me why you did what you did.” He deadpanned.

I am not your servant to follow your orders.” Trying to get free from his grip, he tightened it. “Let go.” “Never.” “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?”

Jungkook sighed as he let go of your wrist but immediately held your waist and pulled you towards him as you landed on his chest. He was forcing you to hug him as you tried to protest but failed yet again. he was way more powerful than you, not that he was physically hurting you from his actions.

You gave up as you broke down in his embrace. “Please. Let me die. I don’t want to live anymore. Please. I can’t…” Your voice came out as a whispered with cracks here and there. Jungkook frowned at your broken state but held you firmly. He wrapped his jacket around you that he took off before diving in the water.

Minutes passed as you silently cried and Jungkook kept holding you, neither of you saying a word. “How did you find me?” You lifted your head to look at him in the eyes. “I know you would be here. I know this is your favourite place to come. I saw you here a couple of times before.” He calmly said, maintaining eye contact.

It seemed like both of you were trying to search for something in each other’s eyes. But you couldn’t. “And why did you want to find me?” This time Jungkook looked away as he blinked rapidly. He pursed his lips as he glanced behind you. You furrowed your eyebrows and followed his gaze.
Immediately looking back at him after seeing a bouquet of roses dropped on the sand. You looked down at his outfit and noticed he was wearing formal clothes. Very unusual of him… You thought.
He would come to school in dark clothes, mostly hoodies. And girls would still swoon over him. Yes, he was the other handsome you were talking about previously. Ever since he came, nobody paid attention to Jason.

What does this mean? What are you trying to do? Play me?” “WHAT? No. No, no-no-no. Not at all. I really wanted to do this for a very long time.” “Why today?” You snapped.

I saw your note, under your desk that you forgot to take with you. I was gonna return it but then the words caught my attention. I’m sorry, my curiosity got the best of me. I know I shouldn’t have invaded your privacy but…I couldn’t hold myself back together. I read that. Everything.”

You looked down as your eyes welled up again. You were embarrassed by yourself. Jungkook’s warm hands cupped your cheeks as he made you look up at him. He read your confession note.

You wrote everything that was on your mind on that piece of paper as you couldn’t pay attention in class. You wrote everything that other people didn’t know.

What you didn’t expect was that someone would actually read it because nobody never really cared. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I’m sorry I didn’t notice before. I’m so sorry Y/n.” you shook your head as you held his hands and pulled them away from your face. “It’s not your fault, so don’t be sorry. Thank you for your comfort. But you shouldn’t have saved me.” You got up from your knees and handed him his jacket. Wiping your tears away, you turned around and started walking away but a voice stopped you.

“I didn’t do it out of pity. I did it for myself because…I love you. Just so you know.” You turned around to look at him in the eyes to check if he was really sincere or not. You knew that if this time, you make the wrong choice, you won’t be able to bear the pain.

Don’t lie Jung-“ “I am not lying.” He said with a straight face. You both stood there as the wind blew but neither of you blinked. Jungkook started taking small steps towards you. He stood in front of you and slightly smiled before bending down and picking up the bouquet of roses.

I got these for you, I wanted to confess today. I know it’s useless to say this now but I’ll regret not saying this. I saw you in the library on my first day of school. I’ve liked you ever since. I genuinely love you. Not because of what I read. I wanted to ask you this even if sound stupid doing this after all that happened.”

Jungkook bent on his knew. “I love you, Y/n. Would you like to be my girlfriend?” “B-but” “It’s okay. I accept you and all that. That was the past. I promise your future will be better.” You hugged him as soon as he finished.

Didn’t know people like him still exist. Jungkook hugged you back and kissed your head. “Don’t ever even think of dying like that, ever again. I beg you. Instead, come to me. I’ll listen to you for as long as you would want. I know this sounds rushed but…come live with me. You can have your own room if you want. I live alone and my parents would love you. Just like I do.”

He removed a strand of your damp hair from your face and put it behind your ear. Your heart softened. He’s so sweet. But not like fake sweet like Jason. His eyes tell everything.

“I love you too.” You barely whispered as Jungkook bunny smiled and leaned in to devour your lips.

-When your principles seem to be demanding suicide, clearly it’s time to check your premises. Dying isn’t the last option. Be strong, you’ll soon find a permanent solution for your temporary problem.

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