Telling you the speech he wrote for his fiancé; as your bestfriend pt1 - J.Jk

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Ma’am, would you like some wine?” You nodded in deep thought sitting leg over leg on the white leather couch. You sipped on the wine as you leaned back, waiting for your best friend who had gone to try on outfits for his wedding. He could’ve brought her along instead. 

Why are we going shopping?” You asked as you buckled in. Jungkook started the car, driving to the outlet. “What do you mean why? I want to look the best at my wedding. And I want your advice.” You sighed looking out the window.

“Why didn’t you bring Sophia along instead? Don’t you think her advice would’ve been better?”
Jungkook hummed, taking a turn around. “You are right. But I figured you knew my taste better. And I want you to get yourself a good dress too.”

You panicked thinking of what his fiance would think of this. “But Sophia-”

“I have already talked to her. And she’s busy enough I don’t wanna burden her with my stuff too ya know?” He took the turn to the designer’s store and stopped. You guys stepped out as he led you in. “Oh hello Mr Jeon! The dresses you asked for just came in, please take a seat.”

The worker greeted you two as she brought a bunch of dresses. You looked at Jungkook who pointed his brows at the dresses. “It’s not my wedding, Jungkook. These are super fancy.” Jungkook analysed the dresses, touching each and feeling the fabric himself. “I don’t see what’s wron-” He stopped seeing you staring at a navy blue- emerald green gradient satin dress.

“That’s a sexy color.” Jungkook said teasing you who glared at him in his statement. “I don’t want rose gold and white. That’s too much like the bride.” You said looking around.

“Could you help her try this on?” Jungkook asked the staff who nodded as you widen your eyes. “Just go.” He whispered, leaving you no choice.

“I’ll take my leave, ma’am” “Thank you” Looking up and down at yourself in the mirror, you gulped at the big leg slit.

Touching the shiny sequence at the off shoulder border, you looked at the door from the mirror hearing a knock. “Yes?”

Seeing Jungkook come inside, you turn around, looking down being shy for showing so much skin. Hearing nothing, you look up to see Jungkook checking you out, holding his breath. Hitting him on the shoulder, you ask

“Yah! How do I look? Is it too much?” You said turning back to the mirror. Jungkook cleared his throat, “I think it’s perfect.” “You think so?” He nodded, sitting at the couch. He sighed.

“You make me laugh when I want to cry, make me live when i want to die, make me smile when i want to frown, you turn my life upside down.Believe in me when no one else does.” You look at him, walking towards him and sitting next to him, fazed. “

You’re my now, my is, my was. When you call my name, I begin to blush. I’m afraid people notice i need you so much.” 
You forget to function as he looks up into your eyes. “When I’m with you time flies by fast. It’s like the present is the past.” You slowly hold his hand.

“I need you more than you can believe. Love you more than you can…” He frowned. “Love you more than you can- Shit! I forgot!” Jungkook stood up aggressively as you looked at him confused.

“I wrote this for Sophia!” He told you excitedly. “Oh.” All the expressions left your face. “I have to revise but HOW WAS IT?!” You smiled. “It was really good.” Jungkook smiled proudly.

“You should really wear that to the wedding. You might as well pull some hot guys then.” You gave him a death stare. “Get out.” He laughed and left as you held onto your racing heart. 

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