When you kiss him infront of his bully~

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Kim Y/n, a very popular, good looking, generous, kind, sweet and the heart stealer of her school. She matched the ideal type of almost every guy in her school. She can be shy at times but a bad girl at other times too.

Everybody loved but feared her. Afraid of making her angry cause if they do, the consequences are unexplainable. It's like she has a duality disorder. She turns from a sweet and giggly Y/n to a dangerous and devil Y/n. But she never harms someone without a reason.

In fact, she helps others from other evils of her school and stands up for them. For example, Becca and Jae. Becca and Jae are known as the "bully couple" of school. They are best friends and would bully students around. But you have never been their target.

The main problem was that, Jae liked you. And to spice it up, his best friend, Becca liked him. Jae never even thought of bullying you and when Becca tried to do so, he threatened her that he would break their friendship if she does anything to you. 🤡

Poor her, she backed away and soon figured Jae liked you. The whole school knows about it now. But what everybody isn't aware of is the fact that Becca has a crush on Jae. How do you know? You may have heard her conversation with someone in the restroom.

You don't like Jae. Not at all. Your ideal type is a soft-spoken person. Who doesn't interfere in others business and push himself into other people's heart? You believe you would know it when you would meet your prince charming.

Like almost every student in their high school era, you also like someone. Keyword: like. You still haven't felt anything more than just attraction.

Jungkook was the kind of new kid. He joined your school the current semester but didn't catch most attention despite the girls fangirling over him the first day he joined the school because of his beauty. No doubt he was very handsome, but people judged him for his shy nature. He was quiet but not cold. He was sweet and kind to everyone, and that is what you liked about him.

You always admire how he treats other people and respect the teachers. You like how good he is in studies and how hard he tries to be at his best. It's the effort that matters. Even though you have never talked to him in person, you always liked the vibe he leaves behind. Other students didn't ever really mind him or even disturbed him. Maybe because he never did anything that would trigger them in any way.

Everybody liked him except Becca. You don't know the reason.

Even if you haven't done anything, Becca HATES you but why would she...torture Jungkook to take revenge on you?

08:32: Friday - the school's hall

Y/n entered the school and was greeted by a crowd. Students were laughing, some had a look of pity on their faces and the others were even recording the scene through their phones.

With furrowed eyebrows, Y/n pushed herself through the crowd and managed to get in the front where Jungkook was on the ground, soaking with water and shivering while Becca was laughing with two empty water bottles in both of her hands.

"What's going on here?" Everybody quiet down. “Oh! Look who is here!” You glared at Becca before kneeling to Jungkook, he was shaking. "Hey, it’s okay. Calm down. I’ll get you out of here.” You whispered to him and covered him with your jacket before standing up to face Becca. “What do you want? What did HE do that you’re bullying him HUH?”
She just laughed evilly before stepping closer to you. “He didn’t do anything to me Y/n. But…he did to you. He stole your heart, didn’t he? Just like…you stole Jae’s.” She whispered while you looked at her with wide eyes. How does she know-

You didn’t tell anyone about your little crush on Jungkook. It is not necessary to share everything right? “Wondering how do I know? Well, you shouldn’t care about that right now honey. Think of what will happen if everybody standing here, including that guy on the ground, gets to know about this?”

“So what? I didn’t do anything wro-“ “Oh dear! Yes, you didn’t do anything wrong. But…what about your ‘reputation’ in this school if I tell everyone you have been hiding it because you think he’ll ruin your reputation. Our brave Y/n dating a…not so brave guy?” “But that is not_” She cut you off again. “I know that. But…I have to add a little spice to it no? if not then what’s the fun?”


“Ugh! What do you want? What will YOU get from doing all this?” “Honestly, I don’t know what I will get. But I am pretty sure that this will make Jae get over you. You see, he ‘fElL’ for your pure heart.” She fake gagged.

Suddenly an idea popped into your head as you smirked. You looked around to see students curiously looking at you both, trying to understand what you are talking about. “I own a brain, Becca. Stop worrying about me. Worry about yourself. Worry about the consequences and your friendship with Jae when he gets to know that all this time, you hated me because he likes me…not you. You want him to yourself…after all…you have been liking him ever since he first talked to you.” Now it was her turn to widen her eyes.

H-how do y-you-“ “For your kind information, I have ears too.” “YAHH! THAT STILL WON’T SAVE YOU. What will you tell Jungkook? How will you explain yourself? He will hate you. And so will everyone else.”

You sighed before turning around, kneeling in front of Jungkook. “Hey” You whispered softly yet he clutched onto your jacket and pulled his knees closer to himself. Your eyes softened, cupping his cheeks, you made him look at you. His eyes held undefined emotions. He was scared, that was for sure. You slightly smiled before quietly asking him.

Can I tell you something?” He nodded, his doe eyes staring at you. “I kinda…uh…like you…” You whispered in his ear. He looked at you with his cheeks flushed. “Really?” you nodded while biting on your lower lip. “Well, do you maybe…like me too?” You said after a pause, seeing he was not saying anything. His blushed deepened before he nodded slightly. You grinned.

Can I do something if you don’t mind?” He furrowed his eyebrows but still said yes. You kissed him as soon as “yes” left his mouth as his eye widened and so did the people’s around you. A few gasps were heard as well but all you did was ignore them and focus on his lips.
Jungkook looked at you and saw your eyes closed so, he tried to follow your actions. He shut his eyes too while holding onto your shirt tightly.

What’s going on in here? Why is everyone in the hallway?” A voice was heard causing you to pull away and students to scatter around and run back into their classes. The principle was furious but his expressions changed as soon as he saw you. “What happened in here?”

Becca had her head down and she didn’t say anything. So you stepped forward before telling your dad about everything. “Don’t be too harsh.” You ended your story as your father sighed before looking at Becca.

I’m very disappointed Becca. I wasn’t expecting that. I would’ve expelled you from the school but as per Y/n’s request, I am going to suspend you for two weeks only. BUT! I don’t want to see you bullying someone again? Got it?” Becca nodded before running out of school, embarrassed.

The principal, who is also your father smiled at and patted your head before walking down the hallway, not forgetting to glare at students that were peeking from their classes. The reason why nobody knew you were the principal’s daughter was that you didn’t want anybody to treat you differently.

Anyways, you looked back at Jungkook who rapidly blinked his eyes once you made eye contact. Awe…he is shy~ Do you have extra clothes that you could change in right now?” He nodded before walking to his locker and taking out a hoodie.

You should go to your class. I don’t want you to miss them because of me. I already took a lot of your time.” His voice came out small causing you to grin widely. “It is alright, you didn’t waste my time at all.” “But-“ He slightly pouted. “Okay fine. I’ll go to my class but…wanna go to any café after school?” “Which one?” “Any that you like…” he nodded his head again. You left but stopped midway to turn and wave at him before rushing to your class. Jungkook groaned before hiding his red ears with his hands and tried to not smile too hard but failed.

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