He finds your anti-depressant pills 2 - Jungkook

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*sensitive content*

Carrying one of the bottles with him outside to his room, completely forgetting he had to sleep or prepare for it, Jungkook sat on his bed unlocking his phone to search about the pills. Only hoping for them to be not what he was thinking.

Upon searching, Jungkook's eyes scanned the screen of his phone as his eyes started glistening. His hands shook when he closed his phone and held his head, not knowing when, where things went wrong and how'd he fix them.

Y/n was on antidepressants. She was going through so much and kept it all from Jungkook, despite the fact that they lived together.
Meanwhile Jungkook was so busy reading on his phone, he didn't realise when Y/n woke up. Until she called put for him after seeing him palm his head. "Kook?" Her voice was raspy and her mouth was dry. Jungkook snapped his head towards her and he was quick to notice her dry mouth.

Instantly getting up, he walked over to her side, giving her a filled glass of water after helping her sit up. Not forgetting to hide the pills. "Thanks." Y/n smiled at him. Jungkook held Y/n's hand and intertwined their hands.

He pulled her in a long, comfortable hug with infinite pecks and kisses. Y/n rested her head on Jungkook's broad chest as Jungkook left a small smooch on the top of the head, caressing their hands intertwined. "You know I love you a lot right?" Jungkook said making Y/n pull away and look at him.

"Ofcourse, I love you too." She smiled again and Jungkook immediately kissed that smile before it went away. He caressed her cheek lovingly, looking deep into her eyes. "I don't think you realise you mean the literal world to me." He said staring into her soul as she stared back.

Soon hugging again this time, Y/n sitting on Jungkook's lap as Jungkook rested his back to the headboard and covered Y/n whose legs were around his waist, arms around his neck and her face buried within it as well.

"Jungkook?" "Yes, baby" he rubbed her back comfortingly as she melted into his touch. "Is there something you don't like about me? Anything. Like my body or attitude-" she backed away just enough to look at him. Jungkook cut her off as he kissed the apple of her cheek. "I love everything about you, purple. Even the things you don't like. All.
Every flaw I love in you, except your absence." Jungkook finished off, tucking Y/n's hair behind her hair. Hearing this Y/n buried her face deeper in Jungkook's neck. "You're so cute." "Only for you purple." His shower of kisses never stopped.

"I'm always here for you. To rant, take your frustration out, to love, to laugh with. I'll always be here. And I'll always listen." Jungkook said each word clearly as Y/n frowned. "Why are you so sentimental all of a sudden." She said, confused. "Nothing, just making sure you know." Jungkook smiled making Y/n smile back.

A few minutes later, Y/n had started to fiddle with Jungkook's hoodie strings. "Something's wrong?" Jungkook mumbled loud enough for Y/n to hear. She hummed looking up then sat straight on his lap.

Looking down she contemplated whether to tell him or not. Thinking of all possible reactions he could give. He could be mad about it. Possibly. But at the end of the day he'll understand. Jungkook lifted Y/n's chin up taking her out of her thoughts. "Nothing could be the worse." Jungkook said as she nodded and breathed out. Her shoulders slumping.

"The...birth control pills. They come with a few side effects. You know. Uh, yeah." Y/n said not making eye contact with Jungkook. Jungkook rubbed her hands, sending a sense of relaxation through Y/n's skin.

"Such as?" He asked, wanting Y/n to tell him herself. Although he already knew but he wanted her to trust him. "Depression" Y/n closed her eyes not wanting to see Jungkook's reaction.

But to her surprise Jungkook guided her hands over his neck and kissed the tip of her nose. Y/n opened her eyes at his response. "And that's why you take antidepressants?" Jungkook asked calmly as Y/n bit her lower lip and nodded, embarrassed.

"How'd you know?" She asked, her voice barely a whispered. Jungkook chuckled, "I just today saw a bottle." Y/n looked up, concerned she may have hurt Jungkook. "I wanted you to tell me, trust me." He said as Y/n closed her eyes again.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "I wanted to show you the best of me." Jungkook looked at her blankly. "You're still the best. And depression is just a disorder you can definitely overcome. I'll help you through it, what am I for anyways?" He was dealing with her ever so calmly, caringly, it made Y/n tear up.

Jungkook pulled her closer. "Since when baby? If I can ask-" Y/n sniffled and nodded. "i don't know exactly. But I started therapy three months ago. And pills a month after that." Jungkook's eyes widen again, shortly.

He kept on kissing her forehead. "You should stop taking the birth controls" he stated shocking Y/n. "What? But you- we-" "Babe, sex can wait. Oh heck yes. Having your heart, you, your lips, these cheeks and face is already a lot more than I asked for. Your health is more important. And even when you feel fine, you don't have to continue these pills. There are other ways of protection."

Jungkook spoke with Y/n looking at him mouth agape. Out of everything she didn't expect this. "But you don't like cond-" "We'll figure it out later. You're what I care about right now." Y/n pursed her lips to contain her cry, before she got on her knees holding Jungkook's jaw, crashed her lips onto his. "I love you so much" She said in between.

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