Helping u after seeing u with ur abusive bf; him as a stranger. Mafia ver ~bonus

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It was way past midnight and Y/n was now in Jungkook’s mansion, taking a shower after they came back from the hospital. Jungkook was waiting for her outside after he gave her a pair of clothes that would fit her okay and his friends were at the poolside, oblivious about their leader’s presence in the mansion with the girl he’s been dreaming about for months.

Y/n came out of the shower feeling warm and clean, wearing the pair of black sweats that Jungkook gave her. She looked up to notice Jungkook passed out sleeping on the couch in front of the bathroom with his phone in his hand. Not knowing what to do, Y/n cleared her throat in hopes that it would wake the boy up. But the attempt was a fail. “J-Jungkook?” Y/n frowned at herself stuttering and the frown only deepened when Jungkook didn’t respond.
She walked closer to his figure on the couch and barely rested herself on the side rest of the couch as she started to admire the guy’s sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful, peaceful. And beautiful. How can a man look this pretty? Interrupting Y/n’s session of admiring session as the drops of water from her freshly washed hair fell on Jungkook’s face that made him stir in sleep and later open his eyes, inhaling deeply the scent of vanilla body wash as he shifted his eyes from the bathroom door to his side, feeling a presence. He raised his eyes, amused at the closeness as Y/n’s eyes widened being caught red handed and she instantly moved back forgetting that she has no support and could easily fall to the ground making her yelp.

But Jungkook was fast enough as he grabbed her arm and pulled her on top of him so that now, she was laying straight on the couch with Jungkook’s arm as a support for her head and his legs under her legs. That didn’t last long when Jungkook flipped over and trapped Y/n’s body between his knees, his arm still under her head, making her gasp again.

“What were you doing? If I may ask?” Jungkook said, his voice deep and hoarse from just waking up. It was so silent that both of them could hear each other’s heart beats. Or maybe it was their own hearts throbbing so loudly. “Uh- I. Me- No I was just going to wake you up.” Y/n mentally slapped herself for stuttering again but what could she do, Jungkook was dangerously close. And even if she kept telling herself that it’s all wrong, that she shouldn’t trust someone this easily, especially a mafia. She couldn’t help but forget everything and enjoy his presence at times. Jungkook  hummed and straightened his back, still on top of Y/n, he furrowed his brows seeing how Y/n was staring into nothing.

He waved at her and snapped fingers in front of her to get her out of her trance as he chuckled. “What happened? Did I hurt you?” Jungkook cautiously asked wiping the water on his cheek as Y/n shook her head and sat up. “You didn’t.” She stood up walking away from Jungkook, drying her hair with the towel and walking towards the bathroom again. “Thank you, Jungkook. A lot.”

“for what?” Jungkook asked, following her and stopping at the entrance of the bathroom. “For everything. Everything with Mark, getting me out of there. I didn’t get to say thank you for that. For these clothes, for letting me use your clothes, your shower and so much more. And, for just saving me from falling from the couch.” Y/n lightly laughed at the end as she looked down in embarrassment. After not hearing a response for a good while she looked up in the mirror to see Jungkook leaning at the bathroom door, his hands in his pockets and his tattoos on display with an unreadable expression on his face.

He blinked multiple times after they made eye contact and looked everywhere but at Y/n, confusing her. He held his nape and cracked his neck then walking towards the sink, where Y/n was standing. When she saw Jungkook approaching, she turned around. “I thought I knew you enough” Jungkook said standing right infront of Y/n as she looked up at him with a confused look. “What?” “I figured that you were innocent and all. But I didn’t know that you’re so…pure…” 

Jungkook’s voice trailed away as he got lost in her eyes, travelling from her eyes to her nose, to her cheeks and her chin. Lastly, his gaze stopped at her lips. Y/n breathed heavily and her body froze not knowing what to do. Jungkook picked Y/n up and placed her on the bathroom’s counter top, taking the towel from her hand and tossing it somewhere, all that without his gaze leaving her lips. He cupped her cheek and the other arm on the side of the counter as Y/n abruptly put her hands on his shoulders. Jungkook traced Y/n’s bottom lip, looking at her with a soft a gaze. “You’re majestic, you know that?” Jungkook said moving his eyes from her lips to her eyes. Y/n bit her lips in nervousness.

It’s been a while someone touched her this gently, spoke to her this softly. Jungkook caressed Y/n’s cheek making her close her eyes at the comfort. The sight too lovely to Jungkook, he leaned in, carefully placing a peck on one of Y/n’s closed eye lids. Waiting a second to see how she reacts, he moved to other eye and placed another long peck there. Moving back, he saw how the girl kept her eyes closed and had leaned into his touch.

He moved to kiss the button of her nose making her smile which gave him a chance to kiss both the apples of her cheeks resulting in her blushing even more. He continued as he pecked her chin. By now, Y/n’s breath had gotten shaky and she couldn’t dare to open her eyes to meet his. Jungkook pressed his plump lips on Y/n’s forehead and after a good few seconds for them to calm down, he travelled down, lips touching all the curves of her face till he was right in front of her lips that she kept on biting. Jungkook calmly pulled her lower lip from between her teeth, chuckling at her nervous state and then later kissing the corner of her mouth to ease her. He was so close now that she could feel his breath on her cheek.

“Can I?” Y/n opened her eyes to look at Jungkook at this, she was shocked. He’s asking her for permission. “I promised I won’t touch you without consent.” He is unbelievable. Like those people you read about in novels. Dark but green like the forests. “I am waiting” Jungkook whispered as he leaned closer pulling Y/n out of her trance. She looked down at his lips and fluttered her eyes closed, automatically pulling him close by his neck. That was enough as a sign for Jungkook as he tenderly pressed his lips on her shaky yet luscious and tempting lips. His lips captured hers in a tender embrace. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the sweetness of the moment, their kiss a silent promise of passion and togetherness. Y/n melted into Jungkook’s arms, her hands tangling in his hair as she savored the feel of his lips against hers. In that moment, there was no past, no future, only the exquisite bliss of being lost in each other’s embrace. Yet Jungkook’s delicate touch under Y/n’s sweatshirt didn’t go unnoticed by her as he traced her scars, adding more passion to the kiss whenever he’d find a scar. As they broke apart, breathless and exhilarated, Y/n couldn’t help but marvel at the depth of emotion reflected in Jungkook’s eyes. It was as if he could see straight into her soul, laying bare her fears and insecurities with a single glance.

He smiled at her, kissing her once again, this time making it short. “I know it’s hard for you to trust me. And I understand it all. Take your time.” He left another kiss on her forehead and held her hands.

“But just so you know. I won’t change. Ever. And I’ll always keep my promises. If I don’t. You can ask Jimin to shoot me I don’t mind.” His words made her laugh.

“At the end of the day, know that you don’t have to care about what others have to say. It’s just you and me. There are no others. My friends are your friends. And if they say something, they better get ready for a good beating too then.” Jungkook said as he cracked his neck and Y/n giggled at how easily he made all her doubts go away.

Jungkook bunny smiled and hugged Y/n. “You’re cute.” He said squishing Y/n’s cheek against his chest.

“Can we go meet Jimin now?” Y/n asked making Jungkook roll his eyes.

"Why the most charming one of all?"

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