Attending his engagement party to see him singing a song for you instead of his

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Original by: @bunnyjay.fics
❌Do not copy or repost ❌

“Okay, you can do it. Only a few hours and then you’re done. No one can see you’re broken, so you are the happiest person alive. Got it?” Talking to yourself while checking yourself out in the mirror one last time before grabbing your purse and car keys, leaving the house.

You are on your way to attend your best friend, Jungkook’s engagement party. And well, you are happy for him but honestly, not the happiest. It’s an arranged marriage and even though his parents did ask him whether he wanted to get married to Do-Yun, his soon to be fiancé, he still said yes because first, his parents were really excited and second, “I don’t have a valid reason for saying no.” that is what he said.

“You’ll just get married to someone no matter if you love her or not yet?” You said shocked.
“You can fall in love after marriage too. Doesn’t matter.” He said, numb. “You don’t have someone in mind you would like to get married to? Like in the future? You don’t like ANYONE more…familiar to you and with you?” He shifted his gaze from the TV screen to you at this. After a moment of silence and you guys staring into each other’s eyes, he sighed and looked back at the TV. “No.” he sighed as his voice had no expression.

And here you are, standing outside the venue two hours earlier than the time the guests would arrive. Of course, you still were his best friend and supported him. Despite the tension, you guys have had for years. Exhaling sharply, you entered as your eyes roamed around to find your best friend. “Y/n? You came early?” You turned around and looked up at Jungkook who was wearing a red-wine coloured tuxedo…the same colour as your silk dress. “Uh yeah, you know, had to be there for my best friend on his special day.” Jungkook breathed out as he looked at you from head to toe.

You look handsome.” You smiled slightly as he nodded. “Thanks. You look good too.”
He returned your smile and then looked at the ground. “You’re nervous I see?” Trying to change the topic, you teased him as he chuckled. “Kind of. I prepared a song but I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to sing it in front of her.” “Oooo, you’re romantic huh?” “Shut up.” You laughed at him as you guys roamed around while waiting for the bride to come.

“How does the ring look like?” You said while taking a seat. “Don’t know.” He shrugged as you furrowed your eyebrows. “What do you mean you don’t know?” “I haven’t seen it. Mom bought it.” You just look away, amused.

When will you sing your song? I’m kinda excited to hear it.” He hummed, not making eye contact. “Before the ceremony.” Shouldn’t he sing it afterwards? Nevermind.

The bride has finally arrived wearing a peach-coloured dress and to be honest, she’s actually very sweet and kind. I see why Jungkook would agree to this marriage and think they can fall in love afterwards. You sighed and look at the ground.

Time flew by as now the whole place was filled with people. And Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. Staying in your seat, you talked with a few friends as they talked about how they still couldn’t believe that Jungkook is getting married.

A few moments later, the crowd quiet down and all their attention was at the stage, making you look too. There you saw Jungkook, sitting on a chair with a guitar. He took a hold of the mic and cleared his throat as he greeted everyone. “So, I prepared a song. Wrote it a few years back and I think now is the time I finally sing it so here we go.”
(Think of any song of your choice.)

The whole time he sang his voice, the melody, the music and even the little breaths he took in between moulded with each other so well that the feeling made you close your eyes. Knowing you would definitely be left in tears at the end, and already feeling the tears brimming knowing that he made this for his bride.

When he ended, you gathered courage and opened your eyes to find him staring right into your soul. The crowd applauded as he looked down and slightly smiled. “I promise no matter how hard it gets, no matter how far we are or how much we fight, I will never leave you. I will risk everything for you. I hope you know that no one compares you. I love you.” He smiled, still looking at the ground as he breathed heavily, stood up, bowed and left. You saw a few tears in his eyes making you want to go after him but just as you were about to stand up, Do-Yun beat you to it and went in his direction.

Minutes passed but none of them came back. A while later, Jungkook’s mom came up to you. “Y/n dear, would you like to come aside for a minute.” You smiled at her and nodded as she took you to the bride’s room making you confused. When you both entered you saw Jungkook sitting on the couch with his head in his hands and Do –Hyun standing across him with her arms folded over her chest.

What’s going on? What happened?” Upon hearing your voice Jungkook looked up as his tear-stained face came into view. “Hey, what happened? You okay?” Your concern made him turn his face sideways as you stood there, still confused.
“I’m not getting engaged to him,” Do-Hyun said. “WHAT? But why?” You said still trying to take in her words. “He loves someone else.” She sighed as you looked at Jungkook wide-eyed. “You love someone else?” You raised your eyebrows as he avoided your gaze.

Doesn’t matter. I was gonna get married to someone else anyway and I knew I would forget about her eventually.” “You will never forget about someone whom you love so dearly,” Do-Yun said. ”She knows who it is?” You said shocked as Jungkook nodded. “I didn’t tell her. She just figured it out.”

“Anyways, the point of calling you here is that talk to him and figure this out,” Do-Yun said as she looked at Jungkook. “I’ll handle the guest and you owe me lunch if you two get together. Bye!” She winked at Jungkook and made her way out as Jungkook scratched his head. “Huh? You two? Us? Together? Why aren’t you saying anything? You won’t even look at me.”

Eee, sorry!” You stepped closer to him as he was now standing up and looked at him dead in the eye making him feel small. “Who do you like?” Jungkook blinked rapidly. “I’ll forget how to breathe if you stand this close to me-“ You stepped back and held your hair in frustration.

Enough of your games Jungkook. You literally were about to get engaged in less than ten minutes, there are guests outside waiting for you and you’re telling me you love someone else? What about when I asked you if you liked someone or not? You said there was NO ONE. Jeez, I can’t take it anymore-“ You were cut off by Jungkook pulling you close by your waist out of nowhere as he crashed his lips on yours after a second.

You were in too much shock to respond to him but soon you came back to your senses as you pulled him closer by his neck and deepened the kiss. He smiled in between as he broke off the kiss, eyes still closed. “First of all, I don’t LIKE her, I love her. And that her, is you…if you didn’t notice I mean, it was pretty obvious but meh.”

“OBVIOUS? Obvious my ass! How was it obvious when you’re literally talking to me about your marriage with someone else and OH! You wrote a song-“ “It was for you.” You blinked and stared at him blankly. “You didn’t seem to notice I see. Do-yun noticed. And that is why she did what she did.” “H-how?’ “Maybe because I just looked at the love of my life the entire time- instead of Do-Yun. Everyone noticed I think now.” Breathing deeply, you glared at him and started hitting him. “I hate you so much, you are so mean Jeon. Ugh!” He held your hands and pulled you in a hug as he laughed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. But I couldn’t think of anything else.” “So you would have ruined our lives if Do-Yun didn’t notice?” “WELL, don’t know about that but good thing she saw.” “Saw what?” “The love in my eyes.” You rolled your eyes at him.

“I still hate you.” “Don’t worry, I’ll change that hatred into love.” He pulled you more closer to him. “I missed you so much the past days. Really.” “I did too.” You snuggled in his neck as he kissed your temple. “I love you so much.” “Mmmh, I love you too.”

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