His girlfriend is a bully- Jeon Jungkook

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You were lying upside down on your sofa with songs playing in the background, desperately waiting for your best friend Jungkook to call...even though there was a 99.99999% chance he wouldn't. Because of course why would he prioritize his best friend over his girlfriend?

Damn, thinking that hurt. Suddenly, your phone started ringing. Opening your eyes wide in surprise, you immediately picked up not even letting it ring for a full three seconds.

"HELLO KOOK?" You exclaimed happily. "Woah, that was quick. And how many times do I have to TELL YOU STOP CALLING HIM KOOK, PIG!" Natasha shouted as you flinched. "Why did you call?"
"Is Jungkook there?" You scoffed. "She's so dumb." You thought. "No" "When was the last you met him then?" She inquired. Years ago, you sighed. "Last week." "Good. You dare not come close to him or else-" "Yeah I know. Can I go sleep?" "bye a$$"
You breathed deeply.

Jungkook's been your best friend since childhood. You have seen each other go through every phase of life, you've gotten wasted together, even did some mere illegal stuff together. He was there when your father died. Your mom died when you were born. And his family has always treated you as a part of their family.

Everywhere you guys went people would think as if you're dating because of your bond. But at the end of the day, you and Jungkook would always laugh about it. But these past three years, things have started to feel so different. The way he cares, looks, every moment. Him himself has started to look unusually beautiful and peaceful to your eyes. It was as if your day wouldn't pass by if you don't talk to him or see him.

But then Natasha came. Everything messed up. Not only would she bully you to stay as far as possible from Jungkook, make you feel an insecure dumb head, she would deliberately make out with him in front of you at school parties.
And also because all of the other girls that have a crush on Jungkook. He's pretty popular. Best part is the day after the party, they'd often come with hickies that Natasha doesn't forget to show off.

Lost in your thoughts, your phone ringed once, making you jolt. It was a text notification from Jungkook. 'Where are you?' You sighed thinking of Natasha. "Home" Turning off your phone after replying you started cleaning your living room.

The bell rang as you moved towards the main door with an annoyed face. "I don't wanna eat dinner anymoRRre." You annoyingly mumbled and opened the door expecting it to be the delivery guy. Gasping, you stood star struck. There stood Jungkook in his all black sweats. "Movie night?" He asked lifting the two shopping bags full of snacks.

You ignored his question and jumped on him as he caught you and laughed, carrying you inside.
"Wassup? Missed me, huh?" He asked placing all the snacks on the nearby table. You ignored him yet again and only tightened the hug. He sat on the sofa with you on his lap. "Chicky? What happened ?"
He tried to move back but you didn't bulge."Y/n. Okay, you know I'm stronger than you." Hearing that you moved back a little. "Why are you so down?" Jungkook asked. You looked up at him, registering his face.

His eyes so dark yet so soft. His skin smooth like milk with a cute scar on his cheek that you softly touched. You lightly touched all his moles, slowly. He didn't say anything and let you do your thing. You couldn't help it, you just had missed him so much. From seeing each other every second to not being able to see him once a week.

But as you were admiring him, you saw a hickey on his neck. And then it all came down crashing to you again. The reality hit. He is taken. You got up quickly from his lap, leaving Jungkook confused. As you were about to leave Jungkook held your hand to stop you from your quick movements.

"What happened?" He furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at you from the couch. "Huh? Oh. Nothing. Select the movie I'll prepare the snacks."

As you were about to leave again, Jungkook pulled you back again and made you sit on the sofa. "No. No movie till you talk to me. Why are you so lost and quite? Did something happen? Why did you get up all of a sudden? LOOK at me." He said directing your face towards him.

No matter how much you tried your eyes always travelled to the hickey. "What are you looking at?" Jungkook questioned opening the camera on his phone to see if something is on his face that is bothering you. "No, Jungkook. It's just. You have a hickey." Jungkook raised his eyebrows. "JUNGkook? Really?" And once again you ignored him making him sigh.

"Okay tell me why did you get up all of a sudden? Did I say something wrong to hurt you?" He held your hands in a comforting manner. "What? No. I forgot for a second you're taken." "Okay and?" Jungkook said waiting for me continue as if it was nothing. "...so me...doing that. Isn't right ofcourse." "You also used to date. We didn't change then. And why do we ever have to?" "Your girlfriend wouldn't feel com-" "TALK. About us. Not someone else."
Jungkook strictly said leaving you dumbfounded. "We HAVE to consider this though." "But-" "You listen to me first!" You got on your knees on the sofa so that now your height was taller than Jungkook's and dominated him.

"Even if YOUR girlfriend says or not that she doesn't mind however our friendship is, it's still not right for me to be. THIS. close to you. Because TECHNICALLY. Only your girlfriend is allowed to be with you like this." You backed off as both of you breathed out the breath you had been holding.

"And nonetheless, I don't wanna be the topic of discussion between you guys. It's better overall for us to-" Jungkook didn't let you complete and laid on top of you. "JEON JUNGKOOK I'M TELLING YOU TO STAY AWAY- God damn you're so heavy. Dude Natasha will break all existing bones in your body."

Jungkook lifted up his head and rested his chin on your upper chest, whispering, "I. Don't. Care." In a teasing manner. "Argh I hate youuu" "stfu Chicky. I missed you so much. Let's cuddle please. I'm so tired." Jungkook said.
Natasha won't know I guess? He looks so tired what do I do. Whatever let's just live in the present.
Jungkook played a movie as they cuddled all night, ate snacks together, laughed and slept. It was again like the old days.

Two Days Later~

It was Monday and you were dreading to go to school again. You've turned off your phone since the weekend and all sorts of connections to Natasha. But you can't just skip school, it'll seem more suspicious.

What if she doesn't know? That's also a possibility. What if she knows and is waiting for you with all her girls. Higher chance.

Breathing deeply, you enter the school premises. Everyone busy in their own group of friends, gossiping about something. You went in your class and sat down on the desk. Emily, your classmate came and sat next to you. Fhoof, I thought Natasha's girlie girls would've come.

Then a group of girls sitting at the back caught your attention. "Totally!" "I'm so glad they broke up" "Did he dump her?" "Probably. She's slutty enough for him to do that." "Welp. Good for me. I can now shoot my shot" "I KNOW RIGHT! You and Jungkook would make a perfect couple."

You listened to their conversation, your mouth agape. They broke up?


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