Sneaking in ur dorm; friends with benefits pt3

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It was after noon that Y/n was sitting in the cafe, pulling on her hair as her coffee grew ice cold while she stressed doing her mathematics assignment. Usually, Jungkook would teach her through her assignments and homeworks because they don’t always meet to have sex, but they are also friends that too, before all the friends WITH benefits situation started.

Now Y/n felt weirdly awkward asking Jungkook for help. What if he doesn’t even reply. Pfft, that’d be a bummer, she thought. Focusing back on the work that was due the next day, she grew more and more frustrated.

Just when she was about to give up, as if God wanted her to do maths for the rest of her life, the bell of the cafe rang, catching Y/n’s attention. She turned over her shoulder to see Jungkook hurry in and look around. Just when they made eye contact, Y/n buried her gaze into her book and Jungkook lightly jogged towards her.

“Y/n! There you are. I’ve been looking for you.” Confused, Y/n looked up at him and raised her brows. “Why? Did something happen?” Baffled, Jungkook glanced at what Y/n was doing and sat next to her. “Nothing actually. What are you doing?” Jungkook flipped the pages of Y/n’s notebook as she stared at him.

There’s something different about him. The golden sun rays shined on his perfectly melting into his skin as he wet his lips after every 6 seconds, habitually.
His brown wavy hair fell on his forehead and flawlessly covered his eyes, not too much, just enough to make him look ethereal at the moment.

“Huh?” Y/n zoned back in and got startled, looking everywhere but Jungkook. “What?” “I asked you, what are you doing here?” Jungkook repeated, his eyes drifting to the coffee that grew cold. ‘Oh. I was doing the maths assignment. Atleast, I was trying to.” Y/n corrected herself seeing that she made barely any progress since the last hour.

Jungkook shook his head, organising and packing up her things. “W-what are you doing?” Y/n asked in the attempt to stop him. Jungkook turned to her, “You think you can fool me? I am Jeon Jungkook, baby. I know you more than you do. And no one can lie to me.”

And with that being said, Jungkook continued packing up her stuff, getting up, carrying her back. “Are you coming or do i just take your stuff?” “HUH? OH! Yes YEAH i am coming. Wait what, where are we going?” Y/n said following him. “My house.” Her eyes widened as Jungkook showed no reaction. He went to the counter with the girl following him in utter scepticism.

“Did I hear that right?” She whispered to herself looking at the floor. “Yes, you did.” Jungkook replied out loud, his back facing her, startling Y/n again. His house. Jungkook’s house…I’ve never been there. No one has been. Only his childhood? friends? What if he has thugs living there? Nah, I know him that much. Do I? 

Jungkook walked out of the cafe and Y/n went after him automatically. Jungkook stopped walking midway causing Y/n to bump into him. “Why are you following me?” We’re not going to his house. I knew I heard it wro- “Walk next to me, Y/n. Not behind me.” Nevermind. “Here’s your coffee, hot.” “What?” That came out as a reflex from Y/n’s mouth. “You didn’t have your noon coffee at the cafe, here.” Jungkook passed the cup to Y/n as she looked at it with unbelievable eyes.

He knows when i have my coffee? Hesitantly grabbing it and taking a sip, she choked. Jungkook panicked, rubbing Y/n’s back. “Was it too hot? Is it not to your liking?” “It very much is.” She choked out. He knows my coffee order, too precise at that. 

Reaching the house, Y/n looked around, mesmerised. “You like it?” Jungkook chuckled at Y/n’s reaction as he took off his shoes and went over to the kitchen. It’s a fucking mansion. 
“I do. It’s all white and grey, my favourite. I love it!” Y/n chimed making Jungkook again. “I know.” He murmured. “Want something?” “You’re not going to poison my food and then kiss me mercilessly?” Jungkook raised his eyebrows, amused as he looked up at Y/n and leaned over the kitchen table. “If i could, i would.”

Y/n thought she was kidding thinking she joked about him killing her but hearing Jungkook’s response made her freeze in her place. And what’s even worse is that she did not move an inch when he moved around the table and towards her.

It was as if she’s stuck to the floor. Jungkook towered over her, curling his fingers around Y/n’s neck as her breath hitched. “J-Jung-” “I don’t have to poison you to kiss you mercilessly.” He nose kissed her when Y/n realised.
“Kiss? Who said kiss? I was joking about you KILLing me.” She moved back when Jungkook burst out laughing. Rolling her eyes, she moved to the living room. “This house is huge. Why did you not bring any girl over? I bet any girl would’ve fallen for you.” Y/n said sitting on the carpet near the centre table. “Yeah you mean gold diggers.” Jungkook snickered walking to the living room, sitting down on the couch.

Y/n opened her books and sighed, “Why is this so hard.” Jungkook frowned looking at what she’s been trying to do. He smiled, “Come, I’ll teach you.” He patted the place next to him as Y/n obediently followed.

Showing her how to solve the equation, he gave her the notebook so she could solve some of the questions by herself. “See if you can do it now.” 


Jungkook leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes, opening them he saw her, focused on her school work. Her hair tied up in a messy bun, her glasses resting on her nose.

Soon, Jungkook got lost, not realising how long he had been staring. How bad can it be? Are we even friends? CAN we be friends? Friends who fuck? Ignoring his thoughts and following his need and want, Jungkook made the move, tilting his head to position right in front of Y/n’s as he captured her lips in his.

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