His bestfriend likes you

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"Felix? What are you doing here? I've been looking for you in the whole school." Jungkook said while running up to Felix, one of his best friends who looked like he had no friends.

"What happened, bro?" Jungkook asked as he sat down next to Felix who looked up to him with an awkward smile. "Oh c'mon! Don't tell me you're sad because you're missing your ex. Dude, she has a freaking boyfriend now and has moved on long ago. You should too-" "I did."

Jungkook's eyes widened as he snapped his head towards his friend. "What?!" "You told me to look somewhere else instead of Jess (his ex), so I tried. And... Uh yeah." "What yeah? Elaborate. Who do you like? Or are you dating already?" "No idiot. I just like her. I'm not even sure if she'll like me back or not." Felix looked down. "Oh c'mon. Who is this girl who made you question yourself for her?" Felix sighed as he looked at the front.

His breath hitched. There she was. "Felix? Who is she?" Felix pointed his eyebrows forward towards the badminton ground. There you were with Ashley, playing badminton.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but then later made an 'o' face in realization. "You like Ashley? I-" "No, not Ashley. It's Y/n." He said looking towards you with heart eyes. Jungkook looked at you too and slightly frowned. "Y/n?" He said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, I mean, I know it's unexpected. It was for me too. But just look at her bro. She's just...so perfect." After a moment of silence, Jungkook cleared his throat. "So, when did you know you like her?" He said without moving his eyes from you.

"That- I don't know. It just happened. This one day I glanced at her you know, romantically. And now I don't understand why didn't I think of her before. Ever since that day, I catch myself thinking about her every night before I go to sleep. It's so weird but amazing at the same time how quickly I without realizing forgot about Jess."

"You're talking as if you're already in love-" "Maybe I am?" Jungkook widened his eyes and looked at him. "Already?" "My heart doesn't ask me before falling for someone. It can be anytime?" Jungkook uncomfortably shifted. "Yeah, you're right."

"Kook, come play with me." You came running up to them when Jungkook and Felix were talking to each other. "Um, not today Y/n. I don't feel like playing." He said avoiding eye contact with you. "What? Oh c'mon! I have to beat Ashley and I can't do it alone."

You started pulling him by his hand. "You know what? Why don't you help her beat Ashley, Felix? I need to go to the library. Please, thank you!" Jungkook said and started running away before Y/n could protest.

"This lame library with just books for studying or love novels. Why can't they keep something interesting for single people." Jungkook whined as he forced himself to read another page of a novel that seemed like another love story.

"Maybe I am?"
" I catch myself thinking about her every night before I go to sleep."
Jungkook shrugged off his thoughts. "I should help him. After all, he's my friend." Jungkook massaged his face in frustration.

Walking towards Felix's house, Jungkook couldn't help but feel nervous. He wanted to turn around and run back to his house. Okay no, he has to do this. He can do this. "Oh hey?" "Hey." Jungkook entered his house as Felix closed the door. "What are you do-" "I'll help you get her." "Huh? Her?" "Y/n." "I mean I get that but-" "But you can only have her on one condition." His voice was stern.

"And that is?" "You can not hurt her once or break her heart in any way. I trust you but I care for her just as much." He pinned Felix to his door. "I'm sure you do. And I do too. I wasn't joking when I said that maybe I'm in love with her. I'll never hurt someone whom I'm in love with."

Fuck, he's sincere.


"What are you going to do now?" " I feel like shooting my shot you know. I want to propose to her right away. If she likes me back, she'll accept." Jungkook gulped. Help him as much as you can.

"Where are you going to propose to her?" "In school but like, in class when there is no one. Maybe during break or something? I don't want her to feel uncomfortable." Jungkook nodded. "I can help you with the decor and stuff. I know her favourites." "That'll be great."

"You do have the necklace right?" "Yes yes. Thank you so much for bringing it. I hope she likes it." "Don't worry, she'll love it." The preparations are done. The classroom is filled with yellow roses. Your favourite. Felix has the necklace he'll give you that Jungkook brought. It's a little white butterfly in a golden-bronze chain.

"I'll go now. Tell me what happened." Jungkook left as he saw you entering the hall. He went to the restroom and locked himself up in one of the stalls. Then memories. You and him. Dang, maybe we're just meant to be friends.

A few moments later, he came out and washed his face. Someone entered from the door as he looked up. "Oh, you're here. I was looking for you. Kinda." Felix said. "Why? Wassup?" Felix fished out the necklace from his pocket and gave it back to Jungkook. "What happened?" "She didn't accept." "Oh, I'm sorry. But what did she say?"

"I really like you Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" "I- i- I'm sorry Felix. You're a great friend b-but...I like someone else. I'm sorry." "Oh it's okay, I guess." He said with a sad smile. "Um- before you go can I know who told you I liked ... yellow roses?" "Oh, Jungkook. He helped me with the decorations." "He knew?" "Yeah." Felix shrugged.

"This necklace-" "Oh and this too. He brought this. He said you'll like it. Um, you can still have it if you like it." "Give it back to him." You turned and left. How can someone do that?
"Shit, I need to go," Jungkook said before dashing out of the restroom.

He searched for you everywhere in school then a friend of yours told him that you left saying you weren't feeling good. He ran towards your house and fortunately, he found you on the road, walking towards your home probably.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook breathed heavily before holding his breath in and walking close to you. "Don't come near me. You knew. You knew everything. You even set up everything like how I want it to be for him! Is this why you were acting so distant towards me?" "I'm sorry. He's my friend and I had no other choice." 

"Of course you didn't!" You put your arms up in the air not understanding him. Rolling your eyes at his silence, you turned before walking to where you were before. "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n. Please, I'm sorry. I'll even beg for your forgiveness if that's what you want."
"Why did you do that when you knew you were hurting too?" Y/n said as she pulled out her bottom lip. "I didn't find a valid reason. We're nothing official for me to-" "It takes literally 15 seconds to become official." "How fifteen?"

Pulling him by his collar you crashed your lips onto his and moved barely away after 5 seconds. "Be mine." He grinned at this and pecked your lips once again. "See, it took not even 15." Jungkook rolled his eyes again as he chuckled. "I love you, a lot."

Y/n just hummed not being able to form words. Both of their eyes closed as Jungkook captured your lips in a kiss yet again. He's probably never getting over your lips.

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