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When Li Cheng brought the boys back to the second high school building, they were warmly welcomed by all the students in the class. +++Mobile reading visit m.mtlnovel.com

"Brother Li, I heard you caught the thief single-handedly?"

"Brother Li, is that thief alpha or beta?"

"Is there a difference between alpha and beta for Brother Li? It's not Brother Li's defeat!"

"The sports committee of the next class also praised Haikou, saying that the thief was definitely caught in three days. I just went to take a look, and his face turned green with anger!"

"Our brother Li is (Qiangqiang), that kind of **** can do it in twos or twos!"

Brother Li is long and short, and the whole class is full of cheerful dog-licking atmosphere.

Li Cheng was extremely helpful, and the grievances that he had just received from the principal were forgotten.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, look at him Li Cheng, there are so many worlds!

Li Cheng's seats are in the last row of the classroom. They have a lot of room in the classroom. The seats in the last row are not close to the wall. There is still a few square meters of space behind him. The school arranged this open space for the students to arrange their own reading corners, clothes rails, shelves, and hand-written newspapers, but now this open space has become Li Cheng’s private back garden, with his sneakers thrown in the corner. Sports bags, dumbbells, eggs and so on.

And now, on top of his fitness equipment, there is unexpectedly a bunch of things—a huge bouquet of flowers and a few large boxes of snacks.

Just now, the uncle security guard of the logistics department pushed a small cart and brought the pile of things over, saying that someone had brought it to the school gate and gave it to Li Cheng by name.

Li Cheng vomited as soon as he saw these things, he could guess who sent them with his toes.

He instructed the little brother to open the boxes of snacks, which were filled with small cakes (dry gan), small candies and the like. The colorful packaging was the kind that omegas liked the most. Li Chengguang glanced at it and felt that his blood sugar was soaring.

As for the bunch of flowers, there was a greeting card sandwiched between the flowers, and the handwriting inside was flaring with teeth and dancing claws, and all the radicals scattered all over the place, like a large-scale corpse site.

Li Cheng's eyelids twitched and threw the greeting card to a little brother: "Read."

The little brother respectfully unfolded and read aloud: "Xiao Mu Dengzi, be my Tian Liyue friend! Save me from waiting for you at the Mujiao door today~ Peach heart, peach heart, smiling face, peach heart."

Li Cheng's goose bumps crawled all over his body: "Boom!"

Brother: "Good!"

The younger brother Ma Liu'er tore the love letter of (肉rou) Ma, and the two words "Wei Rong" were squeezed together at the place where it was signed, and managed to escape the fate of the corpse.

The people around are not surprised, no one takes this confession letter seriously.

You know, the only time Li Cheng's five schools in a radius of ten miles was on Wei Rong's body.

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