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When it was completely dark, Li Cheng held the school uniform and sneaked out of the alley. +++Mobile reading visit m.mtlnovel.com

The police had been led away by Xiao Yiheng a long time ago, and the "helpful" grandmother rushed back to cook for her granddaughter.

He looked at the deserted alley, holding Xiao Yiheng's coat in his arms, and suddenly felt empty.

Until now, I still don't understand why Xiao Yiheng would take the initiative to stand up and entice the police at the last minute, let alone why his brain went blank after smelling his pheromone.

Li Cheng took out his phone and started searching——

What is the smell of Mongolian sweat medicine?

Is there a pheromone that smells like Mongolian sweat medicine?

Does cold-smelling pheromone have a narcotic effect?

Why does the brain go blank after smelling alpha pheromone?

Will smelling alpha pheromone after a fight affect IQ?

…His questions are all sorts of strange, after searching for a dozen questions one after another, the webpage crashed.

Li Cheng: "..."

Forget it.

Li Cheng thought, all problems that cannot be solved should be explained by excessive exercise and hypoxia.

He hesitated for a while while holding the phone. He wanted to send a message to Xiao Yiheng to say thank you, but when the address book opened, he realized that he did not have Xiao Yiheng's contact information.

In fact, based on his contacts, if he wants to find out, there are thousands of ways to contact Xiao Yiheng, but Li Cheng still (强qiang) forced himself to put his phone back into his trouser pocket.

At the beginning of the lights, the entire street was flooded with pedestrians off work. Li Cheng was retrograde alone among the crowd. Everyone who passed him by would subconsciously let his eyes linger on his beautiful face.

Li Cheng went to the supermarket to buy a plastic bag and stuffed the school uniform jacket in, holding a heavy piece of clothing in his hand, which seemed to have a sense of existence.

Li Cheng went back to school, this time the ladder outside the wall was still there and no one had stolen it. In a few steps, he rushed into the small woods of the school (fuck cao), followed the blind spot of the surveillance back to the dormitory.

The dormitory of Hwaseong No. 1 Middle School is divided into three buildings according to the abo (sexual xing), each with four floors, the lower two floors belong to boys, and the upper two floors belong to girls.

Li Cheng slipped back to the bedroom in a familiar way. His roommates were still studying on their own and did not come back.

Fortunately, I haven't come back yet.

Li Cheng carried Xiao Yiheng's coat around the room twice, like a puppy with a bone in his mouth, thinking about where to hide his trophy.

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