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Li Cheng faintly jumped from the pool to the shore, and his indescribable ecstasy overwhelmed him-he was the champion! world champion! Moreover, it is a champion who broke the record of the event! !

Coach Yu greeted him for the first time, and wrapped his towel and jacket around him.

Because the game just exhausted his strength, Li Cheng walked a little wandering, and the coach held him without a trace, holding his arm tightly.

"Coach, did I really break the record?" Li Orange smiled sour.

There was a rare smile on coach Yu's face: "Of course, you swim better than during training. Just now the leader of the Sports Bureau called me. They also watched the live broadcast in China and are very satisfied with your performance."

Li Cheng felt like a balloon filled with hydrogen. If it weren't for the coach to pull him, he would fly!

However, the praises will be released first, and what Li Cheng wants to know is-"Coach, how much did you say to get the championship reward? It's much harder to break the record than to win the championship, at least give it a double share!"

Coach Yu: "..."

Coach Yu has never seen such a wealthy world champion.

She whispered a number to Li Cheng and asked him: "Little champion, are you satisfied now?"

Although the World Middle School Games is an international event, there is still a certain gap in gold content compared with the Olympic Games and the World Championships. Therefore, for the champion of the World Central Committee, the sports bureau does not award much-a gold medal of 250,000.

In addition to winning the championship, Li Cheng broke the record and the reward doubled, which was 500,000 cash.

No tax, 500,000 real money!

You must know that when Li Cheng and Youyou were in the orphanage, they didn’t even have five dollars in pocket money a month; later they participated in the municipal and provincial competitions and won a championship school to reward them ranging from 10,000 to 50,000... But now, it is five. One hundred thousand, five hundred thousand!

Li Cheng's eyes were almost bigger than a medal, and he said "fuck" several times, excitedly wishing to swim two more laps in the water.

He still remembers that Xiao Yiheng had the first place in the city in the unified examination before. Some private aristocratic schools had to spend money to dig him. At that time, they offered a "high price" of 500,000 yuan, but Xiao Yiheng refused.

At that time, Li Cheng still felt distressed for Xiao Yiheng a little bit. How could she have thought that Li Cheng could earn half a million yuan now! I heard that painting is a very money-consuming profession. The paints are expensive and wasteful, but there is no (guanguan) department. From now on, he will be responsible for making money to support his family. If Xiao Yiheng wants to buy paints, he doesn’t have any paints and what paper he wants to use. Just use any drawing paper... Oh, it's really a good life for a male farmer and a male weaver.

Seeing Li Cheng's constant smirk, Coach Yu couldn't help but patted him: "Don't laugh, the saliva is flowing out."

Li Cheng subconsciously (touching Mo) lowered the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently, "Is the champion's saliva called saliva? It's called ammonite!"

Coach Yu: "..."

When the two came to the interview area, they were immediately surrounded by a flash of light. Across the fence, the reporters desperately straightened their arms and handed them to the newcomer champion who broke the record. At the forefront are a few Chinese media, familiar with black hair, dark eyes and yellow skin, and they look very kind.

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