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In fact, Li Cheng couldn't remember exactly which medal he kissed during the interview. At that time, he was full of mind to show off in front of the camera. Naturally, he had to be more contrived, more contrived, and more ostentatious. How exaggerated. www.sto123.cc

But he did not remember, but Xiao Yiheng remembered it clearly for him.

With one alpha finger (hook gou), he found the one he wanted from the three (hook gou). Li Cheng didn't expect him to move so fast. He only felt that with a light mouth (chest xiong), the medal on his neck was missing by one.

"Hey, I haven't promised to send you off yet!" Li Cheng didn't know whether it was anxious or embarrassed. His face caught fire, and he reached out to get the medal back, but he ran out of energy today. Full alpha?

Xiao Yiheng stepped back two steps and easily escaped his paw.

At this moment, the night bus slowly drew in and stopped in front of them. The door opened, Xiao Yiheng jumped onto the bus in two steps, and when he stood still, he deliberately shook the gold medal in his hand at him.

The beautiful young Danfeng's eyes smiled: "Use a gilded bronze medal to pay off a debt of thousands of dollars... My creditor is suffering, so don't be polite."

Li Cheng: ...Where is he polite! !

Xiao Yiheng's voice fell, and the car door closed. Li Cheng watched his figure disappear behind the car door.

Li Cheng was so angry that he said harshly at the bus, but it was a pity that he still couldn't stop the bus from moving away.

Xiao Yiheng walked straight from the front of the car to the rear of the car and stopped in front of the rear window of the car. He happened to see Li Cheng's **** before he could take it back.

Li Cheng: convex >_

Xiao Yiheng was not upset, he slowly raised the medal in his hand and shook deliberately at Li Cheng.

Then-he opened the belt with both hands, lowered his head, and hung the medal on his neck.

Li Cheng:! ! !

The gold medal still carries the body temperature of omega, but now it hangs in front of the alpha (chest xiong).

It's golden, so people can't look away.

Xiao Yiheng looked at the boy on the platform and told him with his mouth: "Now, it belongs to me."


The night train slowly walked around the city, and it was nearly ten o'clock when Xiao Yiheng arrived home.

This was the first time Xiao Yiheng came home so late in 17 years.

He was prepared in his heart, so when he opened the door and saw the brightly lit living room, he was not surprised.

The two parents of the Xiao family sat on the sofa with a calm face. Seeing that Xiao Yiheng was back, Dad Xiao snorted and asked, "Where did you go?"

Xiao Yiheng didn't change his mind and replied: "After school, I had a meal with my classmates."

Mother Xiao got angry and came up: "After school? Are you going to continue to lie until now?!"

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