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After Li Cheng borrowed Xiao Yiheng's major homework, he felt like he had turned on the plug-in, and walked a lot lighter. www.sto123.cc His plan was perfect. He planned to finish the bad homework as soon as he returned to the dormitory... However, he forgot that the essence of human beings is a pigeon.

On Monday, Li Cheng ate chicken for a day and didn't write.

On Tuesday, Li Cheng and his little brothers went out to fight in groups and didn't write.

On Wednesday, Li Cheng was too tired from training to write.

On Thursday, Li Cheng ate too much to write.

On Friday, Li Cheng...

Damn, it's Friday, Li Cheng can't help writing! ! ! ! !

Homework will be handed in on Saturday, but the 1200-word essay has only one headline so far. Li Cheng looked at the empty manuscript, and couldn't remember how he wasted the past few days.

He could only grind his guns, and quickly took over Xiao Yiheng's major homework and read it twice from beginning to end, picking and extracting a part, reluctantly (qiang) to come up with a few hundred words, and at this time, there are still ten before the end of Friday. Two hours.

Uh, since there are still twelve hours, or else he takes a break and relaxes while playing games?

So, Li Cheng started to fish again. The difference is that before he (touching Mo) fish was very leisurely, but now (touching Mo) fish is very nervous.

You see, he is shaking his legs anxiously while playing games. Isn't this not enough to show that he attaches great importance to the unfinished homework?

In this way, he spread out on the desk and only completed one-third of the homework, secretly (touching Mo) (touching Mo) playing mobile games under the desk. He just lowered his head and raised his head, eh? ? What's going on, why is school already over? Where did the first few hours go? ?

The school bell rang, and the surrounding students got up to pack their schoolbags. For students in a boarding school, the school bell every Friday is definitely the most beautiful music in the world. Only Li Cheng sat blankly on his seat, facing the unfinished homework in front of him, leaving pigeons with tears.

"Brother Li, if you really can't hold back, there is only one way." Huang Yelun, the head cobbler, came to offer advice again, "Can you just find a gunner? After the gun is handwritten, you can copy it again by yourself, guarantee No error."

"But who can I look for as a gunman?"

Huang Yelun blinked at him: "Who else, look for his sister-in-law... Well, I mean, Xiao Yiheng. He is the first in grade, this kind of essay, didn't he come here?"

"Impossible." Li Cheng curled his lips. "He is my assistant in this class. Am I crazy? Let the assistant be a gunman for me?"

Huang Yelun thought to himself, what role is played by Brother Li and his sister-in-law, and they are quite into the play. What about teachers and students? I see a lot of small movies on this subject. The door is closed and the lights are pulled. Is there "Private tutoring after class.avi"?

Huang Yelun reminded him vaguely: "You don't need to find him as a gunman. You don't have to say it all. He is an assistant teacher, you are a temporary monitor. Isn't it right for the assistant teacher to help the monitor? Brother Li, you just have to say something soft. Can Xiao Yiheng be willing to let you drop off?"

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