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The roster for the World Central Conference was reported layer by layer, and was finally approved by the head of the training center, and was quickly sent back to the teams.

Before the official announcement of the list, hundreds of team members were summoned to the square and held a summary meeting. The leaders of the Sports Bureau took the stage to give a speech, and the speech in his hand was full of three pages.

"...At this World Middle School Games, we will strive to increase the total number of medals while ensuring that the superior projects in previous years do not make mistakes. For the new projects this year, we will strive to win the first gold medal!......"

On the stage, the leaders of the Sports Bureau gave generous speeches, and off the stage, the athletes were drowsy (Shui Shui).

The cold wind was rustling, everyone hid in their down jackets trembling and yawning. Sure enough, no matter when, the leader's speech is so boring.

After the leader's lengthy and boring speech, the coaches of various events led their athletes back to the training hall.

The original relaxed atmosphere dissipated instantly, because everyone knows that the main event is only about to begin at this time.

Dozens of athletes on the swimming team lined up in two rows on the shore, with the girls on the left and the boys on the right. Everyone's eyes were concentrated on the thin folder in the coach's hands.

The four assistants stood behind the coach, and the expressions of all five were equally solemn.

Coach Yu took the lead: "I think you should all know the weight of this list. What I hold in my hand are the 32 names that finally played; and the remaining 48 people will leave the training base tomorrow. To your respective schools."

"I know that other projects will announce the list of players, and will choose a more gentle way. For example, the diving team next door, their assistant coach will privately notify the unsuccessful athletes and let them pack away quietly. But I won't be like this-" Coach Yu His eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he drew across every player in front of him, "--The game is like a battlefield, and the winners and losers are often within 0.01 seconds. The ones who are eliminated are not that you are not good enough, but that you stay Those who come down are even better than you!"

The team was silent.

Eighty players are left with thirty-two, and the odds of elimination are nearly two-thirds! After more than a month of rigorous training, all athletes who have survived until now have hopes and dreams, and want to set foot on the international arena and touch the distant trophy.

Who would be willing to be eliminated? Who would be willing to be replaced? Who would want to be the "not good enough" one?

Everyone held their breath, and even Xiang Li Cheng, who was full of confidence, could not help standing up straight at this time, his eyes scorching on the list in the hands of the coach.

Although Zhou Jian reminded him that coach Yu and X City Sports School might have "blacked" his quota, but Li Cheng's results are solid. How could he be "hacked" so easily?

In the trials, he won the first place with a clear advantage of 200 and 100, he did not believe that the coach would pretend not to see his results!

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