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Across a fence, the two teenagers held hands, their hot sights were enough to dispel the cold around them.

In the past twenty days, Li Cheng had accumulated a lot of words and wanted to talk, but he wanted to hear Xiao Yiheng even more now.

Xiao Yiheng recounted his journey in an understatement, as if his appearance in the capital thousands of miles away was a trivial matter.

But Li Cheng understands, Li Cheng understands.

He knows what a thrilling adventure it is, and if something goes wrong, he will be discovered by his qiang parents; he knows what it's like to stand in the cold wind for hours, especially Xiao Yiheng's thin clothes and cold clothes. Until the hands are cold.

Li Cheng raised her hand with difficulty and touched Xiao Yiheng's cheek. Such a simple action, because the fence becomes extremely difficult.

Alpha's face was frozen, but the palm of his cheek was so hot. He gently leaned over, like a docile animal, rubbing his cheek in Li Cheng's palm.

Then he turned his head and printed (kiss wen) on Li Cheng's palm.

"If I can see you today, my birthday wish will come true." Xiao Yiheng made a special joke, "Otherwise I will come alone and walk empty, it would be too miserable."

Li Cheng caught him with her palms (kiss wen): "What time is your plane?"

Xiao Yiheng replied: "Seven o'clock in the evening." He glanced at the time, "I can stay for five minutes."

"Five minutes..." Li Orange repeated in a low voice. His eyes drenched, he suddenly retracted his hand from the gap in the fence, and said eagerly, "You wait for me for three minutes...no, two minutes, I will leave!!"

Xiao Yiheng subconsciously wanted to grab his hand, wanted to keep him, and didn't want him to waste these precious few minutes elsewhere. Xiao Yiheng just wanted to look at him more in the last five minutes.

But Li Cheng ran so fast that Xiao Yiheng couldn't stop him at all.

The howling wind blows aside the down jacket of the blond boy, filling his clothes. Li Cheng couldn't feel the cold at all, he strode his legs desperately, counting the time silently in his heart.

Today is Xiao Yiheng's birthday, but it was Xiao Yiheng who gave Li Cheng a "birthday surprise", and Li Cheng also wanted to give him an unforgettable remembrance.


Before Li Cheng appeared, Xiao Yiheng waited alone outside the fence for several hours, and he did not find it difficult; but when Li Cheng appeared, Xiao Yiheng felt that the two minutes of separation again were longer than any other time.

Fortunately, after two minutes of the year passed, the figure reappeared at the end of the trail.

Li Cheng walked cautiously, with one arm stretched into the down jacket and the other with the lapels in his hand, which seemed to be protecting the baby in his arms.

Xiao Yiheng felt strange, wondering what Li Cheng did in the short two minutes he left.

"What's in your arms?" Xiao Yiheng asked.

"Ah..." Li Cheng's eyes were embarrassed and embarrassing, "I'm sorry, it's obviously your big day, but I haven't been able to prepare a grand surprise for you. I can only celebrate with such a simple thing. "

He took a deep breath, and finally got the courage, blushing and took out the thing from under the placket-

--I saw the boy holding a small cup-shaped muffin cake with both hands. On top of it, there was a French fries standing upright, and a little ketchup was squeezed on the top of the fries.

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