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On the breakfast table of the Xiao family the next day, Xiao's father and Xiao's mother looked at the dark circles under Xiao Yiheng's eyes with a little surprise. +++Mobile reading visit m.mtlnovel.com

Mother Xiao asked him: "Yiheng, didn't you sleep (sleep in Shui) last night?"

Xiao Yiheng replied indifferently: "I encountered a very difficult problem and studied all night without taking a break."

Mother Xiao groaned: "I'm in the third year of high school, so I don't guarantee (sleeping in Shui) sleep. How can I have the energy to attend class today?"

Dad Xiao is very supportive: "My son delves into difficult problems. This is a behavior that should be encouraged! Yiheng, what class do you have this morning? If it is not an important class, I will call your head teacher for a leave, and you will have a good rest at home. "

Xiao Yiheng: "..."

In order to prevent being self-defeating and really not going to school, he immediately said, "No, today's class is very important. I don't want to miss class."

He repeatedly promised that he would not snooze in class (sleeping Shui), and Xiao's father allowed him to go to school.

The Xiao family's dinner table has always been very quiet, but today, the family of three has a new topic.

"By the way, is there a list of winter camps for famous winter schools?" Dad Xiao asked seriously, "I heard that students from other schools have already started to sign up."

Xiao Yiheng paused with his fingers holding the chopsticks and nodded lightly: "I'm out, but I haven't considered which school to apply for."

The prestigious winter camp is a 3**m treasure for top domestic universities to attract outstanding students. Only the top students in each high school can qualify for the winter camp and participate in the college training in advance. As long as you perform well in the winter camp, you can be sent to the university, skip the college entrance examination and go to the pinnacle of life.

For a student with a beautiful resume like Xiao Yiheng, I don't know how many schools give him a winter camp olive branch.

Hearing that his son was still hesitating, Dad Xiao interrupted him arrogantly, and said without a doubt, "What else can I consider? I said earlier that you have to deal with labs and research all your life in physics and mathematics. There are so many people, how many people do you think can produce results and make money? Most of them work as little researchers in other people's laboratories and look up to others. Or do you want to be a teacher for the rest of your life like us?"

Mother Xiao echoed: "Yes, look at your cousin, but he is just a beta, but he entered the official career after graduating from university. How quickly is he promoted? Now he is better than us."

Dad Xiao: "I have discussed with your mother, so you can directly register for the Hua Guo Diplomatic Academy, accumulate more contacts, and enter the system directly after finishing graduate studies. Then try your best to climb up. With your ability, you will be sure when you are thirty-five. I can sit on a high chair."

Xiao's father and Xiao's mother arranged his life for Xiao Yiheng on his own. It was obvious that he was not yet eighteen, but they had already planned clearly for his life for the next eighteen years.

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