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This may be the most silent meal in the world. +++ Catino Novel Network www.mtlnovel.com

In the four-person sofa seat, Wei Rong and his dog-headed sergeant sat on the other side of the table, while Xiao Yiheng and Yan Jing sat on the other side of the table.

Yan Jing was bullied by Wei Rong before, but now he saw him, his legs trembled and his eyes straightened. He didn't know the taste, and the hot fried chicken just out of the oven completely lost its charm.

Xiao Yiheng was extremely calm, as if he could not feel the stagnant air on this table. He calmly picked up a piece of fried chicken wings and dipped it in tomato sauce.

Xiao Yiheng's fingers were white and slender, with distinct joints. Such a pair of beautiful hands picks up the oily fried chicken, with vivid contrast.

He brought the fried chicken to his mouth and took a bite. The fragrant meringue broke open. The tender chicken (meat rou) was overflowing with fat, and the taste buds were instantly filled with the aroma of fried food.

He ate slowly and elegantly. Under his background, the other three people at the same table gorged on the table and scumbags, and it seemed that they were not on the table.

The irritable Wei Rong opened the wheat again: "Damn, who, it's just a fried chicken, do you need to be so gentle. Do you want me to set up a slow-motion camera next to you to help you shoot a commercial?"

Xiao Yiheng raised his eyes to look at him: "Should I thank you for such a high evaluation of me?"

Wei Rong: "..."

Xiao Yiheng didn't have much interest in this kind of fried food, so he stopped after eating a piece and tasted the taste.

Since childhood, Xiao Yiheng has been under the control of his parents' high-pressure policies. Children love to eat snacks, but his parents say that snacks are all products of chemical synthesis, which are unhealthy and affect the body. Therefore, when other children were eating potato chips, chocolates, and street food, he could only walk past with his small schoolbag on his back.

No one could believe it. He hadn't eaten jelly once until he was in junior high school, because his mother had read the social news about the children eating jelly and suffocated him. The first time he ate the jelly was given by a junior high school classmate. He didn't even know how to tear the outer packaging of the jelly. He quietly watched the classmate's movements before tearing the packaging skillfully.

Because he had too little contact with snacks when he was a child, he became less interested in all food when he grew up. As long as he can ensure the nutrients necessary for survival, he is not so picky about what he eats.

Although Xiao Yiheng finished eating, he did not leave. Instead, he took out a math workbook and opened it to read it.

As soon as the bookworm Yan Jing saw that he took out the exercise book, he immediately forgot the nervousness of eating at the same table with the gangsters, pushed his glasses with the back of his hand, and leaned over with a pair of studious eyes.

Xiao Yiheng didn't take a pen, and Yan Jing didn't take a paper. The two of them just "looked" at the question with their eyes.

The two watched quietly for a while.

Wei Rong asked Sergeant Kotou in a low voice: "Why are they (gan)?"

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