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After the pomelo finished eating five small oranges, a pack of potato chips, half a bottle of coke, and two-thirds bag of soda crackers (dry gan), the sound of the organizing committee's speaker sounded from the audio equipment on the top of the venue. +++Mobile reading visit m.mtlnovel.com

"Attention, everyone, this game is about to start. Please turn your mobile phone to mute and turn off the flashing lights when taking pictures. When the game is in progress, do not leave your seat and walk around, do not cheer, watch the game in a civilized manner, starting with you and me Ladiesandgentlemen, welcometothe......" The pre-match precautions in both Chinese and English will be played cyclically in the huge stadium.

Xiao Yiheng couldn't help but sit up straight and cast his eyes to the direction of the swimming pool.

The Provincial Swimming Pool is a very famous professional competition venue in the local area and has hosted many competitions. There are two swimming pools in the main hall, one of which is a warm-up pool, where only a few female athletes are left to test the water, and the other is a 50-meter swimming pool with 10 tracks.

Now, the irrelevant people around the long pool have left the field, leaving only the referee and assistant referee standing in all directions of the pool, doing the final preparations.

The game is finally about to begin.

Following the announcement by the staff, the players of the 50-meter men's freestyle final filed out from the indoor rest area and walked to the starting stage amidst the applause of the audience.

Each of the ten male players has a well-trained body, but among these ten, Li Cheng's figure is always the most dazzling one.

Xiao Yiheng once had a fight with Li Cheng. He knew that Li Cheng was not as soft as other omegas, but it was not until Li Cheng (take off tuo) Xia's clothes that he realized that the boy's body was actually like this. Pretty.

Li Cheng has a honey (colored) skin that has been heated by the sun (kissed wen), and his tight muscles (flesh rou) have shaped his body with evenly stopped bones (flesh rou). Black (color) racing swimming trunks tightly wrapped his hips and legs, and two slender and straight calves extended from under the trousers. Under the thin fabric, every line of his body is clearly strangled.

The existence of Li Cheng is like an exclamation mark in God's pen-Xiao Yiheng uncontrollably casts his gaze on him, worshipping every inch of his body with his eyes.

He regretted that he didn't bring a pen and paper when he went out today, and he couldn't record the beauty.

"Brother!!" Yuyou suddenly stood up from his seat, folded his hands into small horns, and yelled, "Brother, come on!!!"

The girl's unchanging voice broke through the noise of the crowd and passed to the ears of the players in the stadium.

Li Cheng was very familiar with his sister's voice. He turned his head to look and easily saw the figure of Youyou from the audience.

Seeing him look over, Youyou jumped and jumped more excitedly. She happily raised her hand and waved it widely, trying to attract her brother's attention.

The sloping auditorium is very steep and will fall down if you are not careful. Youyou stretched out a big hand next to her to protect her safety.

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