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The bell rang, and the invigilator standing on the podium knocked on the table to remind everyone to stop writing.

"Hand in paper, hand in paper! Don't write any more!" The invigilator said in a serious tone, "The few in the last row, don't whisper, stop writing immediately! Do you know if this is the college entrance examination, continue writing after the bell rings, it is equivalent cheat!"

The few students who were named stuck out their tongues and could only put down the pen in their hands angrily.

Under the supervision of the teacher, the students put the papers and answer sheets upside down on the table, and then filed out of the classroom. After the last examination, they will be liberated! As for the test scores... Hey, it's going to be winter vacation, so what do you want to do? Why not think about what to eat tonight.

In a blink of an eye, the students walked (dry gan) (dry gan) cleanly, and the corridors were full of students calling for friends to discuss where to go for a big meal.

The invigilator shook his head helplessly, and muttered: "I'm in my third year of high school, and I'm so crazy."

The deputy invigilator smiled and said, "My child, isn't it all like this? When I was studying, I was looking forward to liberation every day."

In the hallway, Liu Ke, the monitor of class 1 in high school, put his arm on the shoulders of Yan Jing, member of the school committee in class 1 in high school, and asked carelessly: "How about elementary school brother, come to our third year to'experience' the college entrance examination" How do you feel, (thorn ci) excited or not (thorn ci) excited?"

Yan Jing pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, sighed deeply, and looked like he was confused.

There is a tradition in Hwaseong No. 1 Middle School that the top 30 in the second year of high school will follow the third year of high school to take the mock exam, feel the atmosphere of the third year in advance, and let them understand the gap.

This time, a person in charge was changed for the city-wide unified exam. The difficulty of the exam was abnormally high. The last big question of the math problem baffled half of the students in the whole year, and some people didn't even have the first question. As for the rationale, it is even more difficult. Several students in the Rocket class came out of the examination room crying after finishing the exam.

The last subject is English. The reading questions are related to nuclear physics and are full of complex nouns. Cloze tells a story about time travel, and tense traps one after another.

When collecting the papers, Liu Ke took a peek at the answer sheets of the students around him, and the answers were varied, but no two answer sheets had a coincidence rate of more than 80%! Looking at it, the black (color) small squares are like small mines, spreading crookedly.

Liu Ke played a drum in his heart, and dragged Yan Jing, the junior, to confront the answer.

The two argued over a cloze tense issue, one said to choose a, the other said to choose b, neither of them could convince anyone.

Finally, Liu Ke pulled the alpha boy who had not spoken next to him, and asked eagerly: "Xiao Shen, Xiao Xueba, you don't want to watch the show, what do you want to choose for that question?"

Xiao Yiheng replied: "I choose c."

"Ah? Why?" Liu Ke first ruled out c.

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