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This (fafa) melee was born in a black Internet cafe...No, it should be called a "unilateral massacre (sha. It lasted only twenty minutes, and the three small gangsters fell to the ground dying. There was a (killing sha) pig cry from his mouth. +++ Catino Novel Network www.mtlnovel.com

One was holding his knees, another was holding his stomach, and the other was directly clamping his legs to hide the egg...Three people had blue noses and swollen faces, and their entire faces were swollen into pig heads.

The good-natured novice village is small and transparent, so he has to get in front of the big (.boss). Isn't this Qing waiting to give someone a head?

For a while, there was no sound except their wailing in the lobby of the Internet cafe, and I dared not make any.

Huang Yelun brought the other younger brothers to Li Cheng's side tremblingly. Some were in charge of handing out tissues, while others were in charge of squeezing their shoulders, while Huang Yelun shook off his school uniform jacket and draped it over Li Cheng's shoulder like a windbreaker.

The cruel look (color) in Li Cheng's eyes had not faded. He closed his eyes and scratched his hair casually, sweat dripping down the tips of his hair.

He tore off the little bunny hair rope above his head that was used to tie his hair. After the battle just now, a little blood was splashed on the little bunny hair rope.

He curled his mouth in disgust: "It's dirty."

With that, he wiped the bunny's face with the hem of his school uniform, and then he put the hair rope on his wrist again after he was cleaned up (gan).

After doing all this, Li Cheng glanced at the clock on the wall and cursed: "Damn, the guild war time is over!"

Today, there is a magic weapon to be refreshed in the game. The announcement was made a week in advance in the game system, and only guild team battles are eligible to get it. Li Cheng had calculated the time to come to the Internet cafe to play a copy, but he didn't think that he would not be able to play a good game if he encountered such a mess.

He looked down at the puns who were tumbling on the ground, and thinking of the missing artifact, he was so angry that another person made up for it.

The three little gangsters pressed the shoe prints on their foreheads, their eyes were red, and grinned and asked, "Do you know who we are?! If you have the courage to beat us, aren't you afraid that our big brother will find you?! "

With this kind of pediatric provocation, Li Cheng didn't bother to talk to each other, so naturally his little brother would help out to scold him.

"Want to take revenge? Have something to come!" Huang Yelun jumped out and pointed to the school badge on his school uniform. "You can see clearly, Hua, Cheng, Yi, Zhong, Huacheng No. 1 High School, do you know him? Who will not come and who will be the dog!"

The little **** is still clamoring: "If you have the courage to put down your name!"

Huang Yelun was about to announce his name, when Li Cheng suddenly reached out to stop him.

"Want to know my name? All right." Li Cheng said in a playful tone, and his eyes flashed narrowly, "I can't change my name or my surname, Hwaseong No. 1 High School (1) Ban Xiao Yiheng."

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