The cub is coming 2

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When Xiao Lizhi was three years old, Li Cheng and Xiao Yiheng took him and moved their family back to Huacheng. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:

Their husband and wife were admitted to the university in the capital when they were eighteen years old. They were still young when they left. Thirteen years later, when they returned to their hometown, they had already married and established a business, and they had cubs.

Li Cheng fulfilled his promise and returned to the basic school after retiring to become an "ordinary" physical education teacher.

As for the school he chose, he and Xiao Yiheng's alma mater Hwaseong No. 1 High School.

Coach Wu Xu retired at the beginning of the year because of his old age and poor physical fitness. Before leaving, he recommended Li Cheng to the school to be the swimming coach of Hwaseong No. 1 Middle School. How could the principal of Hwaseong No. 1 Middle School disagree. Li Cheng is a world champion. With more than 20 gold medals in hand, he can make such a world-renowned champion become the coach of his school's swimming team. .

Otherwise, the fate is magical. When Li Cheng was studying at the beginning, the most annoying thing was going to school every day. He would never have thought that he would return to school to teach after 13 years.

But what is very troublesome is that all his students are the same as him at the beginning. They are a group of brazen boys who are not afraid of being afraid of everything, each with a glib tongue, (gan gan) nothing, lazy first place. After swimming three kilometers, they cried and cried, as if Li Cheng was punishing them physically.

Li Cheng was angry every day, and brainwashed himself every day:

I am already an adult, and I want to be civilized; they are my students, not my little brother, and I can't beat them if I am angry...

It's a pity that the results have been very small. After the training every day, he will go to get off work in anger.

He complained to Xiao Yiheng: "What is happening to students nowadays, they don't have any idea of ​​respecting the teacher! Let them swim three kilometers, they are still playing tricks with me! When I was young, they were comparable to them"

Xiao Yiheng answered: "There are more **** than them."

Li Cheng: "..."

This conversation attracted the attention of the little lychee who was eating snacks. He is now at the age of parrots. He has to learn what parents say. He patted the chubby hand and whispered, "Asshole, asshole, bad father!"

Li Chenglizi lost all his face and was so angry that he confiscated his son's snacks, and then poured all the snacks into his mouth in front of his son.

He chuckled and chewed on the baby molars, and called his son's first name and last name: "Xiao Lizhi, you this, there are no snacks for this month!"

When the little lychee heard it, there were two tears in her eyes, and she cried aggrievedly. While crying, he jumped off the sofa, stumbled towards Xiao Yiheng, hugged his thighs on all fours and let his eldest dad help him get justice.

Xiao Yiheng looked at the family scuffle and said helplessly: "...Orange, I take back the comment that you were a **** when you were a kid."

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