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Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts is the highest hall that all art candidates aspire to. It not only ranks first among the eight major art academies in China, but also enjoys a high reputation internationally. +++ Catino Novel Network www.mtlnovel.com

Qiu Xian's teacher surnamed Lin, she is 75 years old this year. When he was young, he was sent abroad and worked hard at the Repin Academy of Fine Arts for more than ten years. After completing his studies, he returned to China to teach. Now he is the honorary dean of the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts. He has a nickname called "Lin Taoli". Whoever meets him must honor him as Mr. Lin.

Qiu Xian said, "Ms. Lin has long stopped giving classes to undergraduates. I am the last graduate student he has taught. Now he has only two PhDs under his staff. Yiheng, you have to know that I can let Ms. Lin write recommendations for you. Letter, what an honor this is."

Xiao Yiheng is really talented in painting, and Qiu Xian cherishes his talents and is unwilling to let his talents go to waste. But Qiu Xian also knows that Xiao Yiheng's performance in cultural courses has always been ranked first in his grade, and he has won countless trophies in subject competitions. No matter which university he applies for, he can get a full scholarship.

Let a child who is among the best in grades give up a "bright road" in the eyes of ordinary people and choose a thorny road of art... If you let others know, she will definitely think she is crazy.

"In fact, the point of this matter is not just'talent', but whether you like painting or not. Talent is important, but your heart is more important. If you like physics and mathematics more than painting, of course the teacher I support you to go to Huada; but if you think painting is more important, then I sincerely hope that you can become my junior." Qiu Xian looked at the silent Xiao Yiheng and said something from the bottom of his heart.

"...Thank you teacher." Xiao Yiheng nodded, his face was solemn and serious, "I will consider this matter carefully."

"No (guanguan) department, you can think about it as long as you want." Qiu Xian folded the recommendation letter and put it back in the envelope, "This winter vacation, Huamei will also hold a winter camp, as long as there is this recommendation letter in , The winter camp will reserve a place for you. Even if you do not sign up, as long as you report with this letter of recommendation, you can join the camp with other students."


In the living room, Xu Jun held the baby in his arms and slapping the baby's back awkwardly, but in any case he couldn't let the baby burp smoothly.

As an alpha, she has enough energy to stay up late to work, and she can stay awake for two or three days in a row when catching up with the architectural drawings, and she is still in good spirits; but when she became a novice mother, she was caught by a small child weighing several kilograms. The guy was so overwhelmed that when the child cried in the middle of the night, she would get up to feed him (Nai) and change his diaper.

Xu Jun tossed around for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking another person in the room for help.

"Well, classmate Li Cheng, will you take children?"

Originally, Li Cheng was sitting on the sofa doing nothing to play with her mobile phone. He shook his hand and looked at Xu Jun in shock.

He pointed to his blonde hair, and asked, "Look at my appearance, you almost put the'bear child (killing sha) hand' on your forehead. Why do you think I will take a child?"

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