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Li Cheng swims in the swimming pool alone until the sun sets. +++ Catino Novel Network www.mtlnovel.com

He swims from one end of the pool to the other, and from the other end to this end, changing several swimming styles. When immersed in the swimming, he will forget all his worries.

Sure enough, swimming is the best sport in the world! He learned to swim when he was just learning to walk. His family was a fisherman who lived on water. When he was young, he played on the boats. His skin was dark, like dug out of mud.

He once thought that such a happy fishing boat life could live a lifetime, but unfortunately because of an unexpected storm, the family of four was separated from each other.

Without the boat, there is no home, and all the valuable things sink (sleeping Shui) under the water with their parents.

Ten-year-old Li Cheng took a two-year-old pomelo into the welfare home. Pomelo was young. After being traumatized, Li Cheng once forgot to say what to say, and struggled when she saw water.

It was Li Cheng, the little lion, who protected her, put her protection properly, and regained her smile.

Although it was a ruthless giant wave that took the lives of his parents, Li Cheng did not hate water.

Whenever he plunges into the water, the warm water wraps him, playing with his fingers. It felt like returning to the arms of his parents, so that he could play coquettishly, play around, and make his temper bad.

Because he is good at swimming, he began to appear frequently in the swimming lanes and occasionally sign up for amateur competitions.

He likes competitions, but not for medals, but for bonuses.

That kind of amateur competition, a bonus is only three to five hundred yuan, but for the children in the orphanage, this is definitely a big sum.

Moreover, he really likes to watch those arrogant alphas lose the game and look stupid about wanting to get angry but can't beat him.

In an amateur competition, coach Wu Xu of Hwaseong No. 1 Middle School discovered Li Cheng, a shining star in the pool. There is a savage growth in him, so full of vitality that people can't help but pay attention to him.

At that time, coaches from several other schools noticed Li Cheng, and even the provincial coaches had asked him, but when they knew that Li Cheng was an omega, they all stopped.

Only Wu Xu firmly threw an olive branch to him, tried to get him into the No. 1 Middle School, join the swimming team, and take him to participate in more professional competitions.

Li Cheng didn't win every time.

He was born in Ye Luzi, and when he practiced following the movements corrected by Coach Wu for the first time, he couldn't even move his hands and feet, almost sinking to the bottom.

Coach Wu is a stinky mouth, and his black face is so **** that he scolds him with blood. Angrily, Li Cheng cleaned up his bedding and wanted to return to the orphanage that day.

As a result, he hadn't walked out of the school gate. He remembered the scholarship the principal had promised, and returned angrily.

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