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Seeing that it was not early, Qiu Xian issued an order to chase off the guests. +++ Catino Novel Network www.mtlnovel.com

"Well, you have been delayed here for too long. I have an art class in the next quarter, and I can't entertain you anymore. You can go back to class as soon as possible."

When Li Cheng heard that she was going to rush him back to class, his movements became tedious again.

"Teacher, I think your classroom hasn't been cleaned up yet, I'll help you again." When Li Cheng thought of the cultural class, he got a big head and deliberately delayed.

"That's all right." Qiu Xian pointed to the window sill, "there is a bucket of water for washing pens, can you help me move it out and pour it out?"

"No problem!" Li Orange hurried over.

There is an oil painting erected in the corner of the wall, which has just been oiled and is in the shade (dry gan).

Li Cheng only glanced at it, but couldn't move his eyes away.

What kind of painting is this.

Various shades of orange (color) make up this painting, the world of orange (color), the shadow of orange (color) trees, the field of orange (play cao)... the painter used so many kinds of orange (color) , But it does not appear to be chaotic and chaotic, on the contrary, there is a gentle blur.

Even Li Cheng, who thinks he has no aesthetic cells, is not only fascinated.

Especially, in the center of this orange-red (color) picture, there is a gold (color) figure hanging on the wall. That clumsy look of climbing the wall is really funny.

Li Cheng asked, "Teacher Qiu, did you paint this? This painting is so beautiful."

Qiu Xian wanted to say that Xiao Yiheng painted it, but remembering that Xiao Yiheng had told her not to tell anyone the truth, she changed her words temporarily: "No, it was painted by someone I...know, why, do you like this painting?"

"I like it." Li Cheng said frankly, "Teacher, what you just said about'alpha pheromone makes me feel warm and comfortable', I actually didn't understand it at all. But this painting really makes me feel warm. And comfortable."

If possible, he really wants to know the person who painted this picture. He must be a gentle and powerful painter!

"..." Qiu Xian laughed, "Okay, don't dawdle, go and pour water."

"Oh." Li Cheng carefully walked around the painting and reached out to carry the big bucket.

However, he underestimated the influence of the prelude of the craze period on him. Not only did he fail to lift the bucket of water, but he fell soft and threw out——

Just listen to the sound of "crash", even the bucket with water, all poured into the small woods downstairs in the teaching!


In the grove of the teaching building, two figures stood face to face.

The girl's hair is combed into a tall ponytail, and her smile is generous, just like a spring flower.

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