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After Xiao Yiheng left, Li Cheng returned to his body sensibly and dizzyly took out the small note from his swimming trunks (touching Mo).

He was fortunate for the ten thousandth time. Fortunately, he wore long racing swimming trunks. If he wore low-waist briefs, if Xiao Yiheng stuffed him with money... wait, stop! Stop it!

Li Cheng shook his head vigorously, dispelling the limit-level fantasy in his mind.

He focused on the handwriting--Xiao Yiheng's handwriting is very beautiful, like his own (sexual xing) style, very restrained, but the strokes are natural. Li Cheng thought about his hand "ant body" again, and for the first time he had the idea of ​​practicing.

The meeting time is set on Saturday morning, and the place is naturally still in the art classroom. Li Cheng thought with some guilty conscience that when Teacher Qiu Xian entrusted Xiao Yiheng with the keys on maternity leave, he definitely didn't expect that the sacred classroom could be used as a secret date for them.


On Saturday morning, Xiao's house.

Even on weekends, this "3a" family absolutely does not allow family members to spend an extra minute on (bed chuang). At seven o'clock in the morning, the three members of the Xiao family were sitting around the dining table, as silent as ever.

Mother Xiao prepared the breakfast as usual, with a cup of coffee, fried eggs and bacon in front of everyone, and bread and jam that were bought in advance. Of course, all the ingredients are bought from a membership-based high-end supermarket, all organic and natural, and the taste is naturally worthy of its price.

But no matter how high-quality ingredients are eaten in Xiao Yiheng's mouth, they look like wood dregs. The steamed buns and fritters that Li Cheng sent a few days ago, even though it was completely cold, were far better than these things.

Dad Xiao is using his tablet to browse his work mailbox. As a high-ranking professor, he now has five graduate students. When Xiao Yiheng was young, he visited him at the university where he taught, but it happened that he scolded several graduate students in charge because of incorrect experimental data... That scene left a deep impression on Xiao Yiheng. He knew from then that his father really did not have "feelings."

At the top of the mailbox is an email from the school's academic affairs office with a red (color) exclamation mark in the subject, indicating that this is a very important email. Father Xiao put down the coffee cup, frowned, read it from beginning to end, and cursed a few words in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Mother Xiao asked when she saw this.

"The dean's secretary emailed me again." Father Xiao said impatiently, "That's the same thing. He said that I only recruit alpha students for five consecutive years, and every interview caused complaints from beta and omega students. According to " "Teacher Code of Conduct", if I do not adjust the (sexual sex) ratio next year, I will not be allowed to bring new students."

Upon hearing this, Xiao's mother immediately said, "I'll help you coordinate this matter." She and her husband work in the same school, but she works in the administrative office and often deals with the academic affairs office.

"It's ridiculous. The postgraduate interview is a two-way choice. Students can choose teachers, why can't teachers choose students?" Father Xiao took another sip of coffee and said angrily. , Others will learn it once, and beta has to be taught several times; omega is too weak, anyway, they have to marry in the end, why should I spend the effort to teach them knowledge? Choose to choose, or alpha."

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