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It was Thursday in a blink of an eye.

After returning home at night, Xiao Yiheng, as usual, went back to his house to do his homework after a simple dinner. There is a small camera in his room, glued to the bookshelf, facing his desk, so that his parents will see clearly what he does in front of the desk.

The firewall level of that camera is not high. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can find people who are proficient in this way on the Internet and modify the content in the coverage video.

Xiao Yiheng's request was simple, and soon he received a text message from the "business" on his mobile phone.

Merchant: Boss, I have extracted the past video according to your request. It will be automatically played tomorrow after 6pm, so that your family will see you studying hard at your desk on the mobile phone software.

Merchants: The balance payment is just fine after the service ends.

Xiao Yiheng replied with a simple "good" word, and then completely deleted their chat records.

He put his cell phone away and opened the exercise book to pretend to study. In fact, his mind is running at the fastest speed, planning tomorrow's crazy adventures over and over again.

His plan has a high success rate. As long as the plane is not late at night, there will be no (show) stuffing.

The only problem is that tomorrow is his 18th birthday. Although his parents have their own things to do every Friday, if they want to celebrate his birthday on a whim and go home early, then...

"Boom boom boom"

At this moment, the door of Xiao Yiheng's room was knocked.

Before Xiao Yiheng said "please come in", Ms. Xiao opened his bedroom door and walked straight in.

She came to his desk and glanced at the exercises he was doing, with a trace of satisfaction in her eyes.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Xiao Yiheng looked up at his mother with a faint expression.

"That's it. Mom wants to tell you about tomorrow."

Xiao Yiheng was startled slightly, his fingers rubbed the corners of the paper unconsciously.

Could it be that... his parents finally decided to fulfill their parental responsibilities and celebrate his only 18th birthday in his life?

He didn't answer, but nodded slightly, indicating that he was listening.

Mother Xiao: "Originally, your dad had to bring his graduate students to the weekly meeting every Friday night, but recently because he only recruited alpha, I don't know which neuropathy stabbed him to the Education Bureau, saying that he was engaged in (sexual xing). Discrimination! Originally your dad will be promoted to full professor next year, and the position of deputy dean can also be contested. As a result, because of this mess, the school now says that it needs to'research'!"

She became more and more angry, and her expression became more and more distorted, "I asked someone and contacted the leaders of the Education Bureau. Tomorrow night we will definitely have to socialize with them until late. You will have dinner in the school cafeteria tomorrow night. Come back. Then I made the papers and I checked them on Saturday morning."

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