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Driven by Li Cheng's gold medal effect, the Hua Guo Swimming Team was in a strong position in the next competition, and the individual competition results achieved very excellent results. individual competitions for men and women each with 24 items.

The women's team won three silvers and four bronzes in hardware, and the men's team won four golds, five silvers and three bronzes. Zhou Jian got the best result. , Two long-distance freestyles. He got one gold and one silver respectively. He was already handsome and had money at home. When the news of his championship was broadcast, his personal social account increased by a dozen overnight. Million fans.

Li Cheng was curious, downloaded the social software and took a look, Huo, Zhou Jian's comment area is simply a large chicken farm, some licking (chest xiong), some licking abs, and some winning photos of him The husband...

There are chickens... well, someone asked, since Zhou Jian and Li Cheng are teammates, can Li Cheng also open a social account? Everyone is very curious about the omega captain and want to make friends with him.

Li Cheng thought to himself, do you think I am not online? Now there is a famous saying on the Internet-"Since we are already friends, let's come to have a good time~"

Li Cheng didn't dare to open a social account, for fear of being caught and going to make friends.

The last two days of the competition were arranged as a team competition. The mixed 4x100 relay for men and women is an emerging competition. Prior to this, the mixed relay was all players of the same sex. It was not until two years ago that this new event was world-class. Appeared in the game.

And this time, it boarded the stage of the World Middle School Games.

Relay medley does not actually have any tactics, as long as the fastest person in each stroke is sent. In addition, the handover is the most prone to problems. Sometimes the players are anxious, and the last player has not touched the wall. One player takes off, so he will be called a foul and all results will be cancelled.

The organizing committee only stipulates that two men and two women should be sent out during the competition, and the order of the four is not required, which adds uncertainty to the competition.

According to the information currently available, most countries choose two male players to play in the front to determine their dominant position. After careful consideration, coach Yu adopted Tian Ji's horse racing principle, mixed and matched women, men and men, and Li Cheng's freestyle as the finale.

"As a result, will you be under too much pressure?" Xiao Yiheng asked with concern over the phone.

Li Cheng laughed, he was completely optimistic: "No (guan) system! There is pressure to have motivation. It was not said in a superhero movie that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I am the captain, I am not the finale Who is the finale?"

Xiao Yiheng laughed: "Yes, you are a superhero to all of us."

Li Cheng asked Xiao Yiheng what he was working on recently. Xiao Yiheng said that now the three-week Huamei Winter Camp is over half of the time. In the last week, the teacher left the time for everyone to prepare the work. After the work is completed, the Huamei professors will conduct the work. In the double-blind selection, fifteen out of fifty students will be eligible for admission.

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