Retirement and marriage proposal

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"Hello audience friends, this is the China Central Television Sports Channel. Now we are broadcasting the 202x Olympic Games Men's 100m Freestyle Award Ceremony. +++ Full Tanmei novel:"

In the studio, the female anchor faces the camera, her voice is slow, her face is proud of her face.

"Now that the camera has turned to the stadium, we can see that there are a lot of Chinese swimmers gathered in the audience at the competition site. They are waving the national flag in their hands and shouting for the Olympic athletes."

"The championship and runner-up in this competition are all taken by Chinese athletes. The winner of the championship is Li Cheng, the captain of the national swimming team that everyone is very familiar with."

"Li Cheng is 27 years old this year. As we all know, he is a very rare omega athlete on the racing field."

Following the introduction of the host, Li Cheng's winning photo appeared on the big screen behind her. Omega's youthful spirit (color) is assertive and confident, wearing multiple gold medals in front of (chest xiong), he is standing on the podium with the (sexual xing) blond hair falling on his forehead, as if he can see him as a teenager in a trance Shadow.

"Li Cheng was selected into the national team for the first time when he was seventeen years old and went to the World Middle School Games. He won two gold medals in that competition. In the past ten years, he participated in several international competitions, including the Asian Games, In the World Championships, Olympics and other first-level events, more than 20 gold medals have been won."

"Last year, he was awarded the title of one of the top ten outstanding omega youth leaders in the country. Under his leadership, more and more omega athletes are engaged in racing sports. In this year's Olympic delegation, track and field, swimming, and short track speed Omega athletes have appeared in skating and other racing events."

"Li Cheng is not only a world champion, he also leads by example and has become a role model for countless omega athletes with sports dreams."

"Maybe some viewers are very surprised, why I have to use such a long space today to introduce Captain Li Orange's award-winning resume."

"Because at the press conference just after the game, the reporters learned of the news-Li Cheng announced in public that after the Olympic Games, he will transfer the duties of the national team captain and officially retire."

A picture was immediately (inserted in cha) on the big screen of the studio-in the conference room crowded with reporters, Li Cheng stood up, bowed to the camera with a serious face and thanked the camera. The flashes were connected together, enveloping this Proud youth. The reporters rushed to pass the microphone to him, and the question after another crashed.

In the studio, the host faces the camera and said with regret: "Yes, yes, I believe that at this moment, the mood of the audience is the same as mine. Li Cheng has been the captain of the national swimming team since he was 22 years old. The style (strong qiang), he has led the Chinese national team to win team championships in the swimming pool many times, and in last year's World Championships and this year's Olympics, the number of medals won by the Chinese national swimming team ranked first in all countries. "

"I believe that the news of Li Cheng's retirement will make swimmers feel very sad. But we also need to know that the golden age of a racing swimmer is between 20 and 24 years old, and most swimmers are 25 years old. Will retire. Li Cheng has delayed his retirement for two years, and in the last two years, he still maintained a high level of competition, leading the Hua Guo team to fight in the north and south, winning countless glory."

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