What happened?

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Extraordinary Variety Show (End)

After visiting the supermarket, Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng greasyly ate lunch. +++All Tanmei novels: www.sto123.cc

They are in charge of eating, fans are in charge of eating dog food, and everyone has to hiccup.

Li Cheng slumped on the sofa, with two long legs on the armrest of the sofa, his shirt lifted up, showing a round belly. His stomach is simply a different-dimensional space. After eating and drinking, his entire stomach is topped into a small hill.

He hiccups while patting his stomach, as if picking watermelons. He is so undressed that he can't find any idol baggage at all.

The air conditioner was very cold, so Xiao Yiheng sat next to him and pulled his shirt up to cover his belly button: "I just opened my clothes when I was full. Are you afraid of stomach trouble?"

"I ate too much, and I felt like nausea." Li Cheng was aggrieved. "Blowing the hair makes me more comfortable."

Xiao Yiheng shook his head: "You can't catch a cold, either." He motioned to Li Cheng to lie on his lap, then stretched out his hand to him, "May I help you rub it?"

Xiao Yiheng's hand is worthy of being an artist's hand, and that hand has distinct joints and is evenly elongated. The palm of his hand moved in along Li Cheng's skirt and gently covered the round belly of Omega.

Under the cover of the placket, the audience can only vaguely see that hand gently swirling under the cloth, very patient, seeming to play tricks, but also seem to comfort.

Li Cheng looked like an orange cat snoring. He was lying on his back on Xiao Yiheng's lap, so comfortable that he almost made a snoring sound.

For them, this was just a normal daily interaction, but there was a violent storm in the barrage.

"Ahhhhhhh, what a peerless little cat is this, Xiao Yiheng let go of the cat and let me rub his stomach!!"

"Sisters, I'm guilty! Omega's bulging abdomen, alpha gently caresses (touching Mo)... I already have a picture of pregnancy play in my mind!!!"

"Don't go upstairs. I have a friend who has a terminal illness and wants to eat rations before leaving! Where can I buy your books?"

"Seeking text! Seeking picture! Seeking this! Meal replacement, save the child!"

It's a pity that these barrage only survived for a short day, and they were quickly banned by the collective because of the silver and gray love.

But there is no (guanguan) system, although yellow (color) no longer exists, we have all done it:)

After rubbing his belly, Li Cheng yawned and rolled back to (sleeping Shui) on the bed. Xiao Yiheng still has class in the afternoon. He packed up the drawing board and paint and went out lightly.

The waiting crew immediately followed.

Compared with Li Cheng, who is active on major social platforms, Xiao Yiheng is a very low-key person. He won the first place in the province in the college entrance examination that year. What can surprise all admissions teachers is that the provincial champion actually chose He took an extraordinary road-he devoted himself to art, entered the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts, and became a freshman in the oil painting department! His choice shocked all senior high school candidates in the whole province at that time. Until now, discussion posts on the forums of that year can still be found online.

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