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I hurried into Lady's apartment, it was quiet and Lady walked out from one of the rooms in a see through lingerie that showed off her nakedness.

Not again.

"Is Blossom okay?" I asked averting my eyes.

"Yeah.. I said that to get you over here for a surprise" She smiled sipping her wine.

"What surprise?" I asked.

"Me... In a sexy lingerie, your favourite colour, black" she smiled.

"My favourite colour is White and I'm not really in the mood, if Blo is asleep, I'll see her tomorrow morning.. she can stay over for the weekend" I tried to go out.

She blocked the door pressing her body against mine, Her breast flat against my chest.
I didn't feel the excitement I felt with Smart standing even behind a closed door.

"Stop.. Lay.. I'm not really in the mood" I said.

"How long do I have to do this? You don't even touch me, you act like I'm your little sister.. you don't treat me like someone you're gonna spend the rest of your life with"Lady Said.

You wish

" That's why we are in an open relationship,... I'm tired, I work all day and you can walk out anytime you wish"I stated.

" I don't want an open relationship, I want just you . Only you and I'm horny right now"She pulled the little clothing and stood before me naked as day.

My body reacted on seeing a beautiful naked lady.

" Its been months.. we've only been together for three times, this year"She took my hands and placed them on her full breast.

I moaned and kissed her deeply, she sighed in triumph and wrapped her hands around my shoulder.

I turned her against the wall and slipped into her wet entrance.
" I want to see your face"she moaned.

I ignored her as I slammed into her until we both went over the roof and collapsed on the floor.

" That was hot"She laughed trying to lie on my body but I stood up and pulled my briefs and trouser to cover myself.

" Why do we always have sex in one position like I'm a hookup? "She asked putting on her lingerie.

" I like it that way"I said.

" You don't like looking at my face? "She asked

" Goodnight"I walked out of the apartment .

I drove straight to Smart's house.
I walked into the darkness and heard his soft breathing from the sofa.

" Fuck.. You don't even have a blanket over you and I've told you severally to always sleep in the bedroom"I said.

" Its a hot summer night, I'm fine"His voice was gruff from sleep.

" But you could get cold at night.. what if you're cold and I'm not here.. .what if you get sick? You didn't even lock the front door.. why do you keep making me feel inadequate.. why do you make me feel incomplete"I shouted, My voice giving away in grief as tears rolled down my cheek.

Smart didn't deserve this.
He didn't deserve living alone in darkness and cold.

I was an idiot and a selfish bastard because no matter what, I couldn't let him go.

"I'm okay.. I'm fine" He hugged me immediately.
Why did I always feel so guilty and angry whenever I had sex with Lady.

Why do I always feel like a cheat whenever I spent time with her.

"I'm fine.. I'm okay" He kept whispering holding my tight as my body quivered.

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