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I walked into my department and could hear them whispering and stealing glances at me.

They must have heard the break up news and that's their cup of tea, I entered my office and noticed a pack of invitation cards lying there.

"Mr Salva, your mom dropped my earlier to keep your Wedding invitation cards.. she said you can send them out to your friends" My secretary said.

"Thank you, please forward all my schedules" I sat down looking at the card.

I threw them inside the trash bin and walked out heading to my mom's office.

She was talking to reporters.
"I'm not getting married so get out everybody" I entered the office.

"Alex" mom called.

"I'm not interested in this marriage and will never be. I will never marry Lady so please stop forcing me"I yelled.

" Can we move the interview? I'm having a conversation with my son"mom looked at the reporters who quickly gathered their equipment and left.

Mom approached me and before I realized what she wanted to do,she gave me a resounding slap.

"How about you think with your head instead of your emotions,you just embarrassed me and the Salva name in front of the press" Mom shouted.

"Mom..this is 2021,no one forces their kids to marry especially when your child is  not ready for marriage nowadays..I don't wanna marry Lady,please mom..please..just..please... please" I knelt down pleading.

She moved away from me to face the window.

"Mom?" I called.

She came back and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry" Mom cried.

Lady walked in and stopped in her heels when she witnessed the scene.Mom stood up immediately.

"I thought we were having an interview with the press" Lady said.

" think Alex isn't really ready for marriage" mom looked at her.

"What?" Lady deadpanned.

"I think we should really give Alex a chance to make up his mind.Lady,I wouldn't let you go into a loveless marriage" Mom sat down.

" You can't do that to me..the invitations are already sent out"Lady said.

" What about me?"I asked.

" What about our kid?Our daughter needs to grow up with her parents in the same house"Lady shouted.

I walked out of the office.There was really no need to talk to Lady.

I picked up Blossom from school and took her to her Favourite Restaurant.

"Um..I love you dad" she smiled as she took her first bite of the steak.

"You love it?"I asked.

"Yeah,I love steak especially from chef Ned,he just knows the best ways" she said.

" Um..Blossom..Daddy loves you,you know that right?"I asked.

" Yeah..I know,I'm the most loved "she nodded.

" And..uh..what if I don't want to marry your mom?"I asked.

" What?don't you love her?"she asked.

" I love her.but I um.. don't think um I want to marry your mom.. you see marriage is a lifetime thing.. I don't want to be in that sort of commitment with your mom"I tried again.

" Dad.. I think the most important thing is that I get to see both of you, it's better not to get married at all if you're gonna break up at the end "she said.

" How old are you? "I asked smiling.

" Six"she smiled.

" You're not angry? "I ruffled her hair.

" Nope.. Smart always says do what makes you happy, I miss him, he likes Chef Ned's steak too, we always eat here when I'm with him, he's handsome, smart, rich and kind.. I'm jealous of his future children already"She said.

" I love you"I hugged her sniffing.

" Dad, I can I eat now? I'm like really hungry"she mumbled against my shirt.

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