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I walked into the house,Mom and Lady was talking while Simon was working with his laptop.

"Mom, what did you tell Smart?" I asked.

"Goodevening to you too" Mom smiled.
"Baby.. that's no way to talk to your mom" Lady said standing up.

"What the fuck did I hear about getting married to Lady? Am I a joke to you? A sacrificial lamb that you can lead to the altar anytime you want?" I shouted.

"Watch your mouth" Simon said.

"I'm talking about my affairs, Can you stay away like I did when you divorced your fourth wife?" I asked.

"What's going on here?" dad asked coming downstairs.

"Call off the wedding" I looked at mom.

"What do you mean? We already contacted the media and invitation cards will be sent out next week, You'll be having photo shoots with Lady " Mom said.

"So how do I explain that I don't want to get married to Lady.. how I insert it to you head that marriage isn't what I want now"I shouted.

"Alex" Lady called.

" Lady,I can't keep on forcing myself to be in a relationship with you so I'm calling this relationship's over between us"I said.

" Alexandra De Salva,you are mad,you must be crazy...tomorrow,The media will be announcing the marriage plans"mom shouted.

" Try it mom... Lady,if you don't want to be left in the altar  I advice you to take a walk because Its over between us"I said  walking out and trying to get to my room.

My father held my shoulder.
" Son,it's either Lady or nothing...maybe because of the cars and money at your disposal makes you think you are independent...mind your attitude or you'll lose everything"He smiled.

I ignored him and walked into my bedroom throwing the jacket that wasn't even mine on the bed angrily.

My phone kept on ringing,I knew it was Smart but I couldn't talk to him in this state.

He would be more worried if he heard my voice right now.
The door opened and Lady walked in.
"Who's she?" Lady asked.

"Who's who?" I asked.

"This woman who had taken my spot in your life,who's this bitch you're sleeping with that makes you give me zero attention..I know there's someone else,I never knew she had you to this extent" Lady cried.

"There's no woman,I never loved know that,we made a drunken mistake and you got daughter is precious to me but I can't let the love I have for her keep me in a trap with a woman I can barely look at" I shouted.

" I don't care,you can keep on seeing her descreetly,I just want your name..I want to be a Salva"she shouted.

" Lady, need to move on ..or maybe Simon might be interested but I'm not"I replied.

" What?"she looked shocked.

" Please leave,I need my rest"I picked up my continuous ringing phone.

" We can always talk about this"lady held my shirt.

"I said I'm tired and I wanna be alone,don't you get it?I don't want to be with you anymore..I don't..I can't do this anymore,I can't keep ...."I broke into tears and walked into my bathroom locking the door.

" You're just angry we fixed the wedding without telling you, we'll talk tomorrow.i need to go see our kid,our baby,I need to tuck our child in..she can't sleep without my hugs and stories woman can take my place and she needs her parents forever"Lady said and walked away.

I picked up Smart's video call putting on a smile on my face.

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