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I stared at Alex as he walked around the house, filling the Refrigerator with grocery and The water dispenser. I had woken up to him cleaning the house and fixing things.

"Do you wanna move into a smaller house? One you could just take five steps into the bedroom?" He asked.

"No.. this is my home and I love it.. I'll stay here" I smiled.

"Okay.. I'll order a bigger couch, the one three people can feel comfortable lying down on"He Said.

" I'm fine, I promise I won't sleep in the sitting room anymore, it's the weekend. You have to spend some time with B"I laughed.

" I love you"He looked at me.
" You are so cheesy"I blushed moving away from him.

The bell rang and I walked towards it and opened the door.

" Smart!"Blossom shouted and hugged me happily.
" Good afternoon"Lady walked in.

" Daddy!"B rushed towards Alex and jumped into his arms.

I smiled at the adorable sight.

"Isn't that adorable?what are you doing here anyways?" Lady asked dropping her bags on the floor and going to sit down on my new couch.

"What am I doing in Smart's house?it's the weekend..I'm hanging out with my best friend" Alex rolled his eyes.

" We are going to the beach anyways..go dress up at your house,I'll pick you up in an hour"Lady said.

" Out?I thought we"Alex muttered.

" That was last night..I deserve to have you all by myself for the weekend..last night was just a few minutes that you didn't even cuddle ..I forgive you because you are go"Lady smiled looking at me for help.

" That's right..Lady deserves some of your time,a weekend at the beach would be nice and romantic And I,your best friend will take care of this cute princess"I said

" Thank you,now hurry"Lady hugged me.

" Bye dad" B waved running to sit beside me.

" I'm gonna go back to the house,be a good girl for Smart okay?"Lady waved us goodbye and left.

" Smart,Can I watch Disney princesses while eating pop corn like movie night only that it's movie afternoon"Blossom pouted.

" Anything for you,I'll close the binds too"I smiled.
" You are the best"she dived into the cushion singing happily.

I  remembered the first time I met her father,He was a transfer student and a nerd who was always reading one book or the other while I was that popular gay Jock who had his own friends and spot in the canteen.

We became fast friends after he beat me up for tearing one of his books and serving detention together.

We started going out only after a month of getting to know each other and He wanted to keep it a secret since he had a huge Homophobic father who by the ways bought shares in companies like he's buying snacks.

His second son being Alex had to fight to be relevant and coming out as gay didn't sound nice.

Rumour broke out that we were dating and that was where Lady came in.

They started dating even though Alex only had eyes for me.
First sex marked our lives forever cos it came with this little adorable cute girl named Blossom.

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