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I smiled at the peace that washed over me as Smart lay on me. We were naked but he didn't care since he wanted to know it wasn't a dream.
Like a baby, His arms was around me and legs on each side of me.

"What will I ever do without you?" I asked.

"Have sex with Lady" he rolled his eyes.

"Ha! You don't have to be jealous of what You have already.. my heart and body belongs to you, don't ever be jealous of her"I kissed his forehead.

" I wanna go on a weekend getaway with you too"he pouted.

" Your paid vacation starts next month right? I'll take a week off and take you to any place of your choice"I smiled.

" If we are still together by then"He said.

"What do mean by that?" I asked.

My phone started ringing.

"Pick your call" he stood up slightly limping to the bathroom.

"Hi Simon" I called my elder bro.

"Dad wants you home in time for dinner,we know you wanna spend a lot of time with your kid but..." He began ranting.

"I'll be there in 30 minutes tops" I interrupted him and cut off the rest of his sentences.

I walked into the bathroom,My baby was washing his body.

"What did you mean by if we're together by then?" I asked.

"I mean it...after this month,you'll really have to choose who you wanna be with" He stared at me.

"Are you asking me to choose between you and my kid?" I asked.

"No,I'm asking you to choose between
Me and your girlfriend" He replied.

"Can't we just live happily? I spend more time with you and my attention, care and heart is always yours" I began losing my temper.

"Its not enough anymore, we have to travel  out in order to have fun, I want to do all the fun things here with you.. it's New York but I feel like I live in a remote country" he shouted.

"You're  just being selfish and greedy" I replied.

"Yeah, I am .. and I don't want to be near you anymore so leave"He walked out with his wet and soapy body.

" on my way already" I shouted after him.

He knew the kind of family I had yet he  kept on pushing me to come out to them.
He was technically asking me to choose my family and kid,the life I'm used to .. everything I have or him.

It didn't make sense.

I had to arrive one hour late to dinner where my parents and elder siblings Simon and Sarah was already eating the main meal.

"The least you could do is appear decent to dinner" mom rolled her eyes.

"Sorry,I went to the beach with Lady this weekend,you don't wear a suit to the beach" I glanced at my short and Polo.
"That's romantic,I can't wait for your marriage" Sarah smiled.

"If you two have the time to run around in the sand like kids,why don't you fix your marriage date" Simon rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you get married first,you're approaching 30 soon" I replied.

"Simon is right,Lady Is a woman and wouldn't wait forever..fix the date and let me know" Mom said.

"Mom,we are young..we are...",I began.

"How long do you want to be engaged?20 years?Fix the date" Sarah said.

"Can't I eat with my family in peace without having to deal with same's my life,'ve been here for two weeks already,your husband really have alot of Patience" I replied.

Dad cleared his throat,keeping us quiet.

" No need,I'll call Lady's parents and fix the date..all you have to do is appear with your let's eat in peace"Dad said with a note of finality.

I lost my appetite immediately.

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