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What was so different about him? Why did he look hotter now and who was that woman who looked like she would swallow him whole.

Yes, His long hair, It's blonde now and it had grown longer than before.
Now reached his neck.
Its only been four weeks, Why did it seem like its been years?
Did he already move on? He was laughing when I saw him and he looked slimmer.

Is he eating right? He had make up on.. what was he up to nowadays? Smart didn't like make up, I had to force him to buy sun cream or lip gloss, it was even harder to remind him which is why he had a reminder note on his dresser.
His perfect skin. His perfect white skin that always felt warm and melted into my arms.
"Hi" Sarah Smiled walking into my bedroom.

"Mom wanted me to ask you to come downstairs for dinner, They wanna talk to you" she sat on my bed.

"She should know by now that I don't want to see her face, I saw Smart today.. He's gotten more handsome and his skin fairer than some women" I smiled.

" The thought of him still makes you smile.. I haven't seen you smile since you came back... "She said.

" I miss him so much, I had to leave so I wouldn't walk up to him and crush him in my arms"I replied.

" Seven years ago, something happened.. I just want to let you know so that you wouldn't go into this marriage"Sarah said.
" Nothing can change my mind except mom promises nothing will happen to Smart.. I'm willing to sacrifice anything for him"I looked at her.

" That night you slept with Lady do you think you did it because you wanted to? "She asked.
" I was drunk"I answered
." You were drunk and drugged by Lady, When I discovered you in her room that morning, I was surprised to see you, I blamed myself ever since" She said.

"Why would you blame yourself?" I asked.

"I bought the drugs for her and even mixed it but I swear I didn't even know it was you, she said it was some guy who was shy and she just needed something to really get horny" Sarah replied.

"My life, it's ruined because of that night" I smiled bitterly.

"Yes, I helped Lady in raping you and I was so ashamed of myself that I had to hide it from you, I'm so sorry" she cried.

"Its okay. You didn't know it was me but no matter who... You took my innocence, you didn't know it was me doesn't mean it's fine, Now I have to live the rest of my life bitter and angry... I wanna sleep" I said.
The door opened and Mom walked in.

"I told you to  him for dinner" mom complained.

"I'm not hungry" I replied.

"Are you going to be like this forever? Looking at me with so much hatred, not talking to me, making me feel like a monster"Mom demanded.

" Mom, just stop"Sarah said.

" Fine. Act like this  but I hope it's not too late when you realize everything I'm doing is for you"she slammed the door.
" Sarah.I don't hate you, Thank you for telling me" I smiled.

"Goodnight"she walked away.

I was once drugged by my partner to have a threesome but luckily for me, my cousin was the third party invited.
That was the last time I took drinks I didn't buy for myself

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