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"guess who's home?" The door flipped open and Lady ran in hugging Blossom.

"Daddy" B hugged her father.
I watched them,Perfect family.

"Thank you so much,we enjoyed the weekend..thank you so much Smart..I feel our relationship has gone stronger" Lady said.

"I enjoyed my weekend with B" I nodded.

"It must've been lonely which is why I have to reward you" Lady led me to sit beside her.

"I want a reward too"B shouted.

"I have a friend,she's Italian and a hot shot lawyer,she's coming into town next week,I can fix you up"Lady smiled.

" Fix him up how?"Alex asked.

" A date,she's petite so you'll like her"Lady giggled.

She didn't know I was gay since she was from a private girls school outside our city.

" Smart doesn't need a girlfriend,He's fine"Alex spoke up.

" I'm talking to Smart"Lady said.

" I don't need a girlfriend since I  am in a relationship already"I replied.

" What!who's she?is she beautiful?what does she do?"Lady asked.

" Um .we are keeping it private as of the moment"I answered.

" Its none of our business and we've imposed enough,So...let's go home"Alex smiled.
" Can't I stay with Smart forever?"B pouted.

" Let's go home.I'll call you"Lady waved as Alex ushered them out of the apartment.

If only she knew who I was dating.
I walked back my cushion and sat down watching Raya and the last dragon where B left off.

I was at the part where Raya found the dragon when my door opened and Alex walked in.

"I thought you would never come back" I smiled without looking at him.

"I missed you" He said and dived into the cushion attacking my lips with kisses.

He loved breath play , he kisses me until I was out of breath then he'll let me take a few before attacking my lips again.

"I missed you too" I mumbled as I urgently removed his T-shirt while his hands roamed over my body.

"I want you so much" He stood up pulling me with him,I wrapped my legs around his waist as we moved to my bedroom not once removing our lips with each other .

"I want you to just fill me up and never let go" I whispered as he stripped off his trouser with his boxer.

My legs opened as he lay between the entering me swiftly.

I  groaned at the pain and pleasure mixing up since he knew just what to do.
"I love you" he kept muttering as he moved in and out.

"Faster" I whispered matching in rhythm.

"Open your eyes,I wanna see them when you cum all over me,I want you to see what you do to  me...nobody can make me feel the way you do"he quickened his pace.

" Stop talking and making me Cum"I bit my lips tightening my hole.

" Smart"He groaned loudly.

And we came, together.

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