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I ran into the house boiling in anger, I was coming from the hospital, Smart was involved in a hit and run accident.

Thank God, He only had a concussion and. Sprained arm.
It was a bike but I knew who could orchestrate the whole thing.

They were having dinner but stared at me, my mom breaking into a smile.

"He's finally home" mom clapped.

"No, This is not my home and I'm here to tell you to leave Smart alone" I shouted.

"Don't raise your voice at us" Mom sat down.
I stared at my father who ate without even looking at my direction.

"What happened?"Sarah asked.

"Your parents set Smart up in a hit and run" I told her.

"What? Mom, Dad, How could you do such a hideous thing" Sarah demanded.

"Accidents happen, you can't accuse your family over anything that happens to the fairy" Mom rolled her eyes.

"Indeed Accidents do happen.. just pray that the next time he won't be loosing that arm or his life.. I'll be doing the world a favour by removing such vermin "Dad stood up.

" His life is worth nothing? "Sarah asked.

" Come back home . I'll be willing to accept you with open arms then I might consider letting him live out his miserable life... I lost my appetite"Dad said.

I watched him helplessly as he went upstairs.
" You see? Your dad can have everything done with a phone call, you and Smart can never survive anywhere .. You can't leave the country cos he put a ban over you... That's how powerful our family is"mom said and left.

I slumped on the floor suddenly tired, my body quivered and then I couldn't control myself before I lost conscious.

I woke up with my mom and Sarah bent over me, Simon was standing at the door.

I was in my room.

" What am I doing here? "I asked.

" You fainted"Simon said.

" I have to go"I stood up swaying on my feet but I held the wall to steady myself.

" Look at you, Baby please stay until morning before you leave"mom held my hand.

" Smart would be worried and he has injuries you inflicted on his perfect body"I said.

" You are sick and yet all you're worried about is that thing"mom shouted.

My head hurt from it.
" Mom, let him go"Simon said.

" What? "Mom glared at him

" He's not a kid to be grounded, Go"Sarah said.

I walked out of the house.
Its was 10:46pm,I got a cab home and I noticed Smart sitting outside, his arm in a cast.

I ran to him.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I was worried about you, I thought maybe they've done something to you but my head hurts so much that I can't even take more than ten steps without falling" He said in a husky voice.

"I'm fine,see?common let's go to bed"I helped him stand and we entered the Elevator.

" Nothing happened right?"He asked.

" No,I was right,they set up the accident"I ruffled his hair.

" what if they do something much worse?"

" They won't dare,common"I led him inside locking the door and setting up the alarm system.

" I'm thirsty"He said.

I gave him water, settled him on the bed before entering the bathroom.

What if they really do something worse this time?

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