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A week.
A week.
I avoided televisions, Newspapers, magazines, Radios or anything that might have a discussion about him.
I tortured my mom too, Going to our house everyday even though she wouldn't open the door, I would stand outside and watch the house.

My Dad was called back to work so I rarely ever saw him.
I finally saw my little sister though, when she saw me the first time she asked me why we looked alike, I told her we were siblings that was until mom took her away. She would throw me papers of her drawing. She drew everything she saw, she would be a great artist one day.

I was Locked up the third day and my dad bailed me out.
The police officers advised my mom to place a retraining order but my dad threatened to divorce her and my siblings threatened never to see her again.

She had no choice.

A week.
A week of crying myself to sleep.
It was time I did something with myself which is why I opened my own Advertising and sales company with the money Alex left.

I took it as a settlement,I mean I deserve it right?

It took my three weeks to get it running and after my first customer Adrill cosmetics, we became fast friends.

She referred her friends to me.

" Smartly Advertise and sale your goods" I heard my Secretary say into the phone as I walked in.
I only had a secretary Tracy, two workers and hired part workers if we needed more hands.

"Hi Crazy" Addy called as soon as I entered my office.
It was a little space.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" I asked.

"Its 11" she rolled her eyes.
"Oh.. already, I just came back from a site, my model disappointed me and Bas said I had to stand in his place" I sat down.

"You are handsome, flawless skin, beautiful eyes, you'll make it in the  modelling world" she smiled.

"I wanna make it in the Advertising world first" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay.. I have an offer to make.. you as a sales person, I want to open an auction house.. I want you as my sales representative, you know how to convince people" She said.

"I'm in, if you will pay me enough.. I'm saving to buy a larger space"I smiled .

" So, how about we go out for lunch.. I'm hungry, we can talk over our deal"She said.

" I wanted to order to lunch but if you're paying.. let's go"I stood up.

" Cheapskate"she rolled her eyes and followed me.

We walked to the nearest Korean restaurant and ordered Ramen and kimchi.

" God, I wanna marry a Korean when I divorce my husband"she smiled.

" You're always divorcing him everyday but never get to"I laughed.
" Men are annoying except you.. if you liked women, I would've seduced you"She whispered.

" That doesn't stop you from trying tho"I said.
Addy always managed to keep me laughing and happy whenever I was with her.

"Look who's here?" An annoying voice walked towards us.

"Smart" Blossom ran to me and hugged me.

"Hi sweetie, how have you been?" I smiled. I made my eyes settle on the little girl trying so hard not to look elsewhere.

"Blossom, go stay with daddy" lady ordered.

The little girl pouted and walked away.
"Crazy ex?" Addy whisper yelled.

"I can hear you, He's not my ex since obviously he's a fag" Lady smiled.

Addy stood up pulling herself to her full height and yes she was tall.

"Are you gonna talk politely or do I have to beat it into you, you can sue me after you regain consciousness"Addy said.

" My wedding is on Sunday so I'll pass.. Smart, you ain't invited cos I wouldn't wanna get infected"Lady said.

" Walk"Addy pushed her.
" I will.. bye"Lady said.

" You snatched her boyfriend in high school or what? "Addy asked.

I laughed.
" She snatched mine"I replied.
" Shit"Addy said.

" Alex, Come back"I heard Lady shout as footsteps hurriedly ran out of the restaurant.

" Bye"Blossom waved following her mom.
" That's the Ex? "Addy asked.

" Yep, we broke up three weeks ago"I said.

"Damn! he's Hot" Addy whistled.
If only I had seen his face.

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