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I opened the door and Lady walked in crying, she hugged me and I held her.

It was 6:23 am and I am supposed to leave the house by 8:30.

"He broke up with me" Lady cried.

"Who? Oh my.. I'm so sorry" I held her.

"I'm gonna find out who that bitch is and I'll make sure she's never able to be touched by any man again" She walked around my sitting room while I fixed her coffee.

"I'm really sorry" I said .

"You need to help me find the little trash, I don't think I can leave Alex for any slut.. He's mine" Lady took the coffee from me.

"I'm sorry but I'm working, I started a new job and can't take time off" I said.

"I need something stronger"

"I don't really take alcohol, I'm an alcoholic"

The door opened and Alex walked in.

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked.

"I thought you were drunk last night" Lady smiled.

"I'm serious when I meant it's over between us and I want you to stop bothering Smart"Alex glared at her.

" He's my friend"Lady rolled her eyes.

" You met him through me"

" We became friends right Smart?" Lady asked and they stared at me.

" Um.. I need to get ready for work"I walked into my bedroom and locked the door.

I quickly showered and dressed up opening the door, I could hear Lady crying softly.

"What about our baby? She's been talking so much about this wedding,inviting her friends and am I gonna face my friends?what about me" Lady cried.

It was so heartbreaking and I felt guilty.

"I'm sorry Lady,if I had any feelings towards you ..I would've endured being married to you,think about my peace of mind .I can't love you" Alex replied.

"My Love is enough for both of us.."

"No,it's not enough,my heart .my heart belongs to someone else .. you've always known this but you hoped my parents would make us get married...we don't deserve this are young,beautiful and'll find someone who deserves you"Alex said.

I walked out of my bedroom.

" Um..I'm leaving,lock up when you are done"I said looking everywhere else but at them.

" No need,'s either me and your daughter or this lover of yours,I'll make sure you never get to see Blossom ever again..have a nice day"Lady walked out slamming the door.

I looked at Alex,He was looking stressed and haughty.

He was going through alot just for me.

" I'm so sorry,I shouldn't have pushed you until you are ready"I knelt beside him.

" Do you feel guilty that I'm doing this?my love,you can feel sad for Lady but I have to,I can't keep leading her on " Alex cupped my jaw.

"I don't feel guilty on what you are doing,I feel guilty that you look so stressed and tired.. I'm used to seeing you happy and energized but this look is not something I want experience" I smiled.

",There's no smoke without a fire,all that matters is at the end of it all.. we'll do everything you want,visit gay bars,get married,adopt two kids and have dinner at your favourite restaurant" He smiled kissing me softly.

"And spending every night in your arms" I nodded.

"I love you too much,I love you so much that I can't see straight" He said.

"You're not straight and it's 8:23..I have to start going" I smiled.

"Let's go" he nodded.

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